Friday, January 1, 2010

Year 2009: In Retrospect

For the past two years, I did my year in retrospect and resolution post in the same manner. This year, however, I want to make it different although nothing fancy schmancy. Decided I will just make a list, a run-down of the most important events that happened last year or events that have affected me and my family.
(+) tumblr. Yes, I wasted significant number of hours on tumblr but I really can't be blamed since it really is addictive. Others might think that what I am about too say is too much but I think tumblr has had the most influence in my life during the past year. My journals are filled with quotes found in tumblr. I discovered Lenka through tumblr. I read Perks of being a Wallflower because of tumblr. I wanted to have moleskine because of tumblr. Also through tumblr, I learned about (500) Days of Summer and anxiously waited for months to see it. Yes, it was that big of an influence in my life in 2009 and I don't see that changing this year. Although I know I must minimize time spent on tumblr to be more productive.

(-) Ondoy. Nobody really thought it would be like that. Although I would still consider ourselves lucky because we didn't lose much of our material things and there were no lives lost. Thanks to our second floor. Still haven't fully recovered from the aftermath~ house is still undergoing repainting.

(+) Watched the Pussycat Dolls concert in MOA. I'm such a fan and I never let the opportunity to see them in concert for the second time here in Manila. Although the concert venue sucked big time and I had to leave my Hungarian Sausage Pasta outside (read: throw it away!), I still had a frickin' helluva good time with my sisters. I'm disappointed with myself that I let slip the opportunities to see Katy Perry and Lady Gaga in concert. That would've been fun as well.

(+) Eight books in a year~ The Last Lecture, A Natural History of the Senses, The Cure for Crushes, The Time Traveler's Wife, Eat Pray Love, The Five People You Meet in Heaven, The Perks of Being a Wallflower and The Book Thief. Sorry if this might sound mababaw to other people, but I consider this an achievement. I've never really been into reading books. I just force myself into it because I want to make myself into reading. Original plan was one book every two weeks but I think eight books will do. For 2010, I want to read more books, possibly a book every two weeks, aye?

(-) I've been a hospital suki for 2009. AB was diagnosed with a kidney chuva and she was confined for three days for biopsy, mommy was confined for four days for lack of sodium, AD was confined twice. And in addition to that, there were tests and other chuva that required more trips to the hospital. It's depressing kaya. I hope there will be less, and if possible none, trips to hospital this 2010.

(+) My kilay kit. I can fix my brows almost like a pro. This means I don't have to pay money to have it professionally groomed because I can do it myself. Plus, I've had my sisters and friends have their brows done by moi. I think I found my calling. Call me the Brow Guru.

(+) How I Met Your Mother and Glee are the shizz this 2009. Gossip Girl was almost a disappointment. Chuck isn't out until March 2010. I love Glee the most! HIMYM Season 4 download almost done and Chuck almost here. I ♥ TV.

(+) I ♥ frozen yogurt aka Red Mango. I almost completed their frequency card with only two or three stamps to go but with only a day left, I just decided to not get all the stamps needed. I love their frozen yogurt but I don't think it's practical to spend three stamps worth on me alone just because I want a free small frozen yogurt and a limited edition Red Mango bowl?

(+) My home fragrances/souvenirs business in a consignment deal. Well, yeah, it's not a major department store but it's a start. At least I have an outlet to display and dispose off my products. Otherwise, they'd be stuck here in the house, waiting for the next bazaar. I didn't expect sales would be that good but our inventory's moving. Hooray for me!

(-) Nail spa is doing so-so. Well, it's doing much better than last year but not as good as we want it to be. Hopefully, rival nail spa will close shop soon. LOL. Plus, nail spa is now in a legal battle over the terms and conditions of contract. Hopefully, that too will be resolved soon and in our favor.

(+) Sister's wedding. Although this was the second in the family, it was the first church wedding. In spite of Ondoy and Pepeng, the wedding pushed through. It was one of the big events our family had last year.

(+) Joaquim Andres' birth. I'm an aunt! I'm an aunt! I'm going to see him tomorrow and I'm so excited already. I hope those lesions in his heart will close down and hope that he'll be a healthy baby. I'm excited na rin for Christmas next year because by then he'll be able to walk already.

(-) Spatially challenged beginning the last few days of the year. I have yet to get used to the twin-sized bed I am now occupying. Almost all my life, I shared a queen-sized bed with a sister and I am having difficulties trying to fit myself and my things on my new bed. I know, I know, my things shouldn't be on my bed but I kinda got used to putting all my stuff on my bed. Argh.

(+) There were a few purchases I was happy with for the past year but since this one was the most recent... I am happy with my new Anthology shoes. I'm in love with flats and my new shoes is sheer love. I am working towards building my own wardrobe. As much as possible, no more tokongs!
I'd say it was a pretty good year in general although there were a few misses. Year 2010 is said to be a good year for Dogs (me!) and I super duper hope that would hold true in all aspects of my life. So without further ado, here are my resolutions for the Year 2010:
  • lose 30 lbs. (ang suking resolution)
  • lesser expletives please
  • be more organized
  • spend less time on the internet, most especially, tumblr
  • triple my savings account
  • be more hands on with the nail spa
  • write things down!
  • no more tokongs!
  • after self-imposed ultimatum, completely forget about it
  • hopefully, another trip outside the country
  • less procrastinating. No more last minute chuva.
  • Two books every month
  • Be more organized with my expenses
  • Put Spanish into use
  • Sleep early, as much as possible
And with the help of the New Year's Resolution Generator:
  • This year, I will avoid drama.
  • This year, I will appreciate the simple things.
  • This year, I will declutter.
  • This year, I will start acting my age. *sabi ko nga*
  • This year, I will spend less time web browsing and more time doing. *sabi ko nga*
  • This year, I will try harder.
In addition,
  • Also this year, I will start Project 365 again and try to keep it.
  • Maintain my online Gratitude Journal.
  • Write more often in my journal.
I really have a feeling that this will be my year and with that, I'm ending this post with my anthem for 2010~

Just Say Yes- Snow Patrol

JUST SAY YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

christmas said...

ako ang song of the year ko, yung sa the smiths -> Please, please, please let me get what I want. far naman, i think it's working. hehe :P

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