Tuesday, December 22, 2009

No Energy

No Happy? I don't think so naman. Sa aking pagkakaalam, ang over sa energy ay nilalayuan dahil OA sila. Anyway, I just wanna say that...


Last minute orders, no decent shut-eye for the past two weeks, Simbang Gabi at 4am in the morning, plus those dang government requirements to comply with. However, to set the record straight, I am not complaining (except for the gov't chuva, that I am ranting about). I just want to let it out because I am really super tired these days. Most especially when it's the physical, emotional and mental kind of tiredness. Even if estoy muy cansadissima, I'm still grateful for it because it's worth all the effort.

Just 3 more days before Christmas...

Friday, December 18, 2009


Just got home from the third day of Simbang Gabi. I know I sound like a broken record when I say this but, grabe, time really flies. Parang kailan lang I was just anticipating for this time and now it's here. Only 6 days until Christmas and I haven't done any Christmas shopping yet. For the past two weeks, I've been busy with a bazaar and complying with orders. Even if I wanted to blog about certain things, I didn't have the time to do so. Sayang, there were a lot of blog-worthy events pa naman. Well, yeah, I could still write about it now but not with the same intensity like when you're in the heat of the moment. Anyway, without further ado...

#1 It's official. I'm an aunt!


Last Tuesday, December 15 at 4:30-ish pm, my sister gave birth to a baby boy. He weighs 8.3 lbs and is 20 inches long. I wasn't able to go to the hospital right away since I was busy with some other things. Went there the next day. I swear I was so giddy beyond description! Super excited na nga ako wala pa yung baby, mas lalo na nung first time I held him. He's such a cutie patootie. He's so big! His face was so red and his cheeks were so chubby. His eyes were like slits, they're so small! I swear I can't get enough of him. But there's some kind of bad news, too. When the pedia examined the baby, she heard a "different" sound in the baby's chest. She referred to it as a heart murmur, it could be innocent heart murmurs but just to be sure, she referred the case to a pedia-cardio. Turns out baby has two small lesions in his heart. So, although I am so ecstatic over the birth of my nephew, I'm heartbroken as well to find out about his condition. I believe in the power of prayers and I'll pray even harder now for him. I never knew how it feels to have your heart broken, now I know exactly how it feels. But I know God works in wondrous ways. Think positive :)

#2 Since we're on the topic of broken hearts...
Aside from the abovementioned, I've had some sort of a heartbreak recently although the very mababaw kind. Before all of these happened, I was so into Alicia Keys's new single, Try Sleeping with a Broken Heart. I was listening to it on repeat. Not because I was nursing a broken heart. I just think that it's a very nice song. Tapos, ayun... biglang life imitating art. So medyo feel ko siya... EMO! Haha. Keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeell meeeeh! Chos.

Looking in the sky I could see your face
And I know right where I fit in
Take me, make me, you know that I'll always be in love
With you
Right til the end

#3 Christmas Bazaars

It was my second time to participate in the Christmas Carnivale Bazaar. It was pretty good last year, but this year it was almost un fracaso. I was really surprised to find a bazillion other stalls selling the same stuff as mine. Plus, it wasn't a good location. Argh. Fail. This must be a lesson to me to participate not in only one bazaar, but as many as possible. And I should prepare months ahead, not just a few days before. I thought I learned my lesson last year but seems like I still haven't. And yeah, packaging is everything. Not really everything. Mga 2/3 siguro.

#4 Christmas shopping

Accompanying friends, that is. Anyway, accompanied Ycel do her Christmas shopping last Monday. Still haven't done any. Will do siguro once everything's in order in the house. Seems like I can't get to do other things aside from making orders and cleaning up the room. One-track mind ako these days. I can't even get myself to do my tarea. I've been absent from Spanish classes twice already and I really want to absent myself tomorrow.

#5 Lenka Mall Show
Went to Megamall last Friday to watch Lenka's mall show. I super love Lenka and I have tumblr to thank for introducing me to Lenka's music. I swear she has the cutest face, the cutest voice and the cutest songs. And I sort of can relate to some of her songs. I loved her performance. The only effy thing was she didn't shake the hands of the last ones in line and we weren't allowed to take our picture with her. I bought her CD just for that and you're telling me I can't?!? **hyperventilate** I already have a copy of her album pa naman.

photo courtesy of Xmas :)

Anyway, I still think it's worth it. I so love her songs so I guess it's money well-spent. I just find in weird that she wasn't that accommodating and to think that there weren't that many fans.

#6 Simbang Gabi
Day 3 of Simbang Gabi. Just 6 more nights to go and I can make that wish. I should write my wish down so as not to forget what it was. Last year, I was able to complete Simbang Gabi but I forgot what was my wish, so I couldn't really say whether or not it came true. I almost failed to complete it this year when yesterday, I woke up at 4:18am. Buti na lang the mass didn't start on time and it was a long gospel reading. Wahaha! I sleep at my sister's house on the street and my co-Simbang Gabi'ers are not in the same house so there's always this danger (danger talaga, no?) of not being able to wake up for the dawn mass. Well, there's the anticipated mass at 7pm but I want to go for the full Simbang Gabi effect, complete with the chilly morning showers and occasional dozing off during the sermon. It wasn't called Misa de Gallo for nothing.

#7 Clearing the Clutter
I'm sleeping over at my sister's house because the house is being repainted and the house is in a complete state of disarray. And when I say disarray, it's disarray at the highest level. After Ondoy, we still haven't fully finished cleaning up and putting things in order. The flood could have been the perfect opportunity to clear the house of clutter but this is somehow near impossible when your mother is a hoarder and a clutterholic. I mean, do you really need to keep all those stuff for (possible) future use?

Anyway, our room's almost done. From yellow, it's now colored light pink. We're also getting rid of the queen-sized bed for more space. I would have to settle for the single bed and I don't know how it would feel like sleeping on a single bed after sleeping on a big bed for the longest time. Where would I put my stuff? Challenging. Haha. Hopefully talaga we could get rid of the clutter this time. Make room for incoming blessings! If you're cluttered, in terms of physical space as well as emotionally, new blessings won't come in. And so I'm prepping my physical space and emotional state of mind so I could receive MORE blessings. Plus, Christmas is just six days away. Paspasan na ito.

Still have a lot I want to blab about but there are things that still need to be done and on that note, Toodles!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

(Non)winter Wonderland

First day of the month! It's December, y'all! Can't help but be super duper mega over excited already. Just 24 more days and we'll be having that Noche Buena feast again. And in addition to my yearly (kusa o pilit man) excitement over the thought of the holidays just because it's the holidays, there's another reason why Christmas in this household will be different and much more exciting~ the birth of my nephew. Vicky's due on the 12th of this month and that means by Christmas, there will be a baby, in da house! **squee** Baby things are all over the house right now and it's not hard to think about the impending birth of my toy nephew.

Just thought that I should write a first day of the month entry, most especially because it's the first day of the happiest month on earth, at least for me. But for now, I'm off to prepare and go to the new "factory." Bazaar is just three days away and I still have a bazillion things to do. Oh no! It just dawned on me that I only have three days left to do everything. Sige, bye na. POSITIVE THINKING~
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