Wednesday, April 24, 2013


Slowing down a little bit with my reads. It started with Delirium and also struggled a little bit with Twenty Boy Summer (Sarah Ockler). The last book I read which I really really enjoyed was That Boy (Jillian Dodd). I'm currently reading Elizabeth Berg's What We Keep and so far, I am liking her writing style so hopefully this would be better than the past so-so ones.

Twenty Boy Summer started really interesting with Anna and Matt and their budding love relationship. Anna is best friends with Frankie, Matt's little sister; while Matt is her best friend that is a boy. They've been the best of friends since they were in their nappies. But we all know that a guy and a girl can't be just friends, right? So as usual, Anna falls for Matt and has had the biggest crush on him starting the 4th grade. But the best part of it all is that Matt feels the same way about her and on her 15th birthday, her wishes (technically, just that wish pertaining to Matt) came true. But there's a catch- they can't tell Frankie right away for fear that she might not take it well or she might feel left out. Matt feels the news should come from him and in the meantime, she made Anna promise that this will be their little secret until the day of the big reveal. But during that fateful summer day, Matt died of a broken heart.

And from then on, everything has gone from interesting and exciting to blah.

After the accident, everyone has been coping in their own way. Of course it was most difficult for the parents and the sister, Frankie, but I guess Anna also had a hard time coping with Matt's death- no one truly knows how devastated she must have been with Matt's death. Nobody knew they were something more than best buddies. She felt that she can't tell anyone about their relationship and so she wrote everything in her journal.

The summer after Matt's death, Frankie and her parents invited Anna to spend summer with them in Zanzibar Bay in California. The Perinos have always spent their summers there. It was actually a brave step for them to continue with the tradition ever after their loss, but Mr. Perino felt it was necessary for their healing. This time they brought Anna with them. With Frankie and her new-found sexuality, she dared Anna to a game- whoever gets to 20 summer flings wins- hence, the title.

So what do I think about the book? It was okay. Boring and slow and absolutely no kilig factor A.M. (After Matt) but it was okay. Just not a raving fan and I feel does not deserve a rating of five stars.

What I don't get about these YA books is the fascination over losing one's virginity. During my time (oh no, I am officially old) well at least here in the Philippines, people don't talk openly about sex and losing one's virginity before marriage. Prudish, yes. But, I'd rather that teenage girls don't go bragging about their sexual adventures. I mean, why are these kids in a hurry to lose it? May pa-contest ba? Haha. Anna loses her virginity with this guy she met over the summer. Maybe because she felt she loved him at that exact point in time and deserved deflowering rights, but mainly she felt she had to lose it because Frankie thought it was her albatross (meaning, an emotional burden that feels like a curse). Okay I understand that PMS is the norm nowadays but please not that young. Young and promiscuous. Young and promiscuous and proud of it. Sa panahon ngayon, wala nang martir dahil madali na lang isinusuko ang Bataan. Harhar. Now I get it why most of my friends do not want girls for children.

I think I gave it three two stars (I just changed it) on Goodreads. I was bored. It seemed liked I waited for eternity for the story to pick up pace. Frankie finds out about Anna & Matt and she throws a fit about it (which is totally understandable because two of her bestest friends were keeping thinks from her) then that's it? Anna finally got rid of her albatross and that's it? For YA books, still nothing beats the Jessica Darling series which is my favorite book series in the genre.

I don't even know you, and yet, in my life, you are
forever entangled;
to my history, inextricably bound.

Friday, April 12, 2013

hard habit to break

I'm such an addict for my series. I swear I can spend hours just waiting for that green bar get to 100%. It's actually paralyzing. I mean, there are an awful lot of more productive things I could do than watching my DLs finish. But I love my series. So, ayan.

Speaking of my beloved series, I'm sad that most of them are nearing season-end with only a few episodes left to air and some have actually had their season finale. Good thing Awkward's third season is airing next week! Plus, I could use my US series lull time to catch up on my Korean dramas ;) So anyway, here's a little chuva about the series I follow~

The Carrie Diaries

Gossip Girl's replacement. In the US, TCD took over GG's Monday time slot. For me, it took over my Tuesday morning DL. Honestly, I haven't gotten to finishing GG's final season. It's too painful to watch: painful dahil sa plot na wala nang kwenta; and, painful because it's the end for one of the series I've grown emotionally attached to. Unconditional love nga diba? So anyway, The Carrie Diaries didn't register on me as GG's first season did. I find Carrie and friends annoying.
TCD is actually a Sex and the City spin-off. I never really followed SATC and have never seen a single episode of it, just the movies. I just didn't find it to my liking. I tend to gravitate towards cutesy stuff which I think TCD is cos it is, after all, Carrie circa high school years. Shockingly, in TCD we find out Carrie was some sort of a prude (but not for long). LOL.

One of the things I like about TCD is its kick-ass 80s soundtrack

and Sebastian Kydd. Gaaaahd, the boy is one helluva eye candy.
Fine, his lips may rival Donna Le Donna's but I can fall for that smirk. I like smirky guys LOL. I keep coming back for more of this series for my weekly dose of Sebastian. Me likey so so much ;)

And oh, Maggi reminds me so much of Blair Waldorf
Doesn't she remind you of the Queen Bee? She does, no? But she's not half as witty as Blair is was (RIP GG) and she's actually annoying.

I will definitely be back for the second season mainly because of my smirky boy Sebastian and I also hope for a more interesting storyline.

Hart of Dixie

So Zoe and Wade have broken up. Although I am originally a Zoe+George fan, Wade has grown on me and I eventually appreciated Zoe and him as a couple. Well, I always found their bantering cute. But Wade cheated on Zoe and I was super irked at him for doing so. Zoe gave him a chance to prove himself, but he chose to live to his reputation. Kainez Veneracion.

George may be with Tansy now but I believe that his feelings for Zoe are just tucked away somewhere in there, ready for later access. Tansy is actually nice and likable but I am really rooting for him and Zoe. I just hope he gets into shape soon because he has become kinda pudgy. Not that pudgy is bad because there are guys who are cute when pudgy (JLC!!) but pudgy doesn't agree with George.

Meanwhile, I also like this new Jonah character. I wish he'd make his presence felt more often in Bluebell because I think he's cute and Zoe needs a new boytoy. George is currently off the market, Wade just broke her heart and Lavon will always be only her BFF.

And oh, it's not only me who thinks Rachel Bilson as a heart surgeon is a little hard to believe. What does that say of her? Kawawa naman. Well, I do like her and am a fan. But in this series, I prefer Lemon's fashion sense more.

She always looks polished, so put together and I could only wish to look like that. Even after 36 hours (na walang ligo-ligo ni hilamos), even when her ponytail has come undone, she still manages to look neat. I always look madungis just a few minutes after stepping out of the shower. FML. Lemon's a little uptight which I think I can relate to. Haha.

There are still three to four episodes left until its season finale but I'm going to second-guess and say that I feel Lemon + Wade is going to happen. The bantering almost always lead to something. Plus, they're going to work closely together because of the Rammer Jammer, so yeah I do think they're happening soon.
Sabi ni AC, in the event that my fearless forecast comes true, ayaw na daw niya manuod kasi parang Melrose Place na naman daw. I guess she feels that way because she has always vied for the Wade + Zoe pairing, whereas I always fall victim to cute bantering of characters. Hate isn't the opposite of love, y'know ;)

I'm super excited for Awkward's new season! And it's going to be a full season with 22 episodes :) Huzzah! It's just going to be a little weird that Tamara and Jake are dating (which, I think, Jenna could hold over T's head because T once got mad at Jenna for kissing Ricky Schwartz and Jenna was drunk that time and totally had no control on what's she's doing).

Thursday, April 11, 2013


It feels as if I've slowed down a bit. I blame it on Delirium. I chose it since there were super plenty of people gushing over it that I became intrigued with it and thought that this book might be really good. I think I threw all my expectations out the window before reading Delirium, but I guess maybe not entirely.

First up **SPOILER ALERT!** an FB friend kind of spoiled it for me when she posted one of these online memes that Hana told on Alex and Lena and since I'm done with it and nothing like that happened so I guess it would have yet to happen on Pandemonium. Frakkit. I hate spoilers. At least have the decency to warn people. I think some people do it on purpose. Bah.

Delirium is about this dystopian society where people who reach the age 18 are given the cure against amor deliria nervosa or in plain text, love. Love was said to be a deadly disease which caused people to think irrationally or to do crazy things. The government has devised a procedure which will "cure" the person from this infliction, which will make one happier.
Still, I worry. They say that in the old days, love drove people to madness. That's bad enough. The Book of Shhh also tells stories of those who died because of love lost or never found, which is what terrifies me the most.
The deadliest of all deadly things: It kills you both when you have it and when you don't.
For Lena, the procedure is only a few days away. The procedure is meant to cure one of amor deliria nervosa. Or, in other words- from living a meaningful life that's lived to the fullest. I know it's fiction but the thought is horrible. Imagine living your life like a robot devoid of any emotion, of choice. Sadness is a part of life; ika nga, one can never fully know happiness without sadness. The characters in the book who have been already treated, they're like machines just going through the daily grind without appreciating beauty, without feeling joy, without feeling anything. Napaka-empty. There are days when I feel empty and I cry over days like it. With Delirium, they get the procedure so they could lead an empty life. Afraid.

In this day and age where there is freedom of choice- everyone can choose what to buy, where to live, who to love- love can already make people do crazy stuff. In the book, people seemed crazier than normal because they're going into a procedure that's going to make them emotional zombies. I get it. And oh, didn't they know that the forbidden fruit is the sweetest?

In my opinion, if they're really serious about the cure, why not conduct the procedure at a much earlier age? Okay, given that it supposedly doesn't work on people younger than 18 but can't their scientists devise a way? We all know about teenagers and their raging hormones and that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure... so there.

I liked the book but I didn't love it. I thought it was too slow. I'm not really a fan of star-crossed lovers so just the fact that Alex and Lena are star-crossed lovers didn't make me swoon over their relationship. I mean, Romeo & Juliet's supposed to be the most romantic story ever and I actually don't like it because I think it's foolish killing yourself over love. Yehesss, spoken like a true cynic. Haha. Finishing the book was a bit of a struggle so I guess it would take me awhile before reading Pandemonium.

 Felt as if I underwent the procedure before reading this book because I felt nothing- Hindi ako kinilig. Kulang sa chemistry si Alex and Lena. After not getting all kilig over Hunger Games and now, Delirium- I'm a little disillusioned with dystopian-themed plots. I give it .

Thursday, April 4, 2013

it's a cruel cruel summer

In the past, summer begins late February or early March so I've been complaining a lot when it's been raining last month. Rain is actually good but it's been raining more frequently than what's supposed to and I can't help but think how effed up the weather has become. Now summer is officially and undeniably here- I feel it in my fingers, I feel it in my toes... pawis all around. Ick.

I wonder how high much heat I can tolerate before I say, Frakkit, I'm turning on the aircon. Or, I can go to place of business everyday and take advantage of the aircon I'm actually paying for in the first place. Hmm, Option #2 seems more practical.

We're already into the 4th month of 2013 and no signs yet of the bonggang business opportunity. What do I expect? That it will just fall on to my lap without lifting a single finger? Ano ako? Sinuswerte? Well, I'd like to think so. Harhar. I've had small orders every once in a while but if I need this to sustain me, it's about time I take this seriously. Step #1: Create a Facebook page.

AC went to Makati last Monday for her check-up. Lucky me because I needed to buy something from a supplier in Makati (:)) Free transpo! Free merienda! Haha. Anyway, I have this favorite building in Makati- the new Zuellig building. Every time I look at it, parang it's only a figment of my imagination, like it's not really there. Para siyang invisible which is not really if I can still see it.

beautiful :)

Now, do you get what I'm saying? Lemme put it this way: if this building were Harry Potter, this would be when he's wearing the Invisibility Cloak. Oo, alam ko magulo ako mag-explain. Basta.

Divi trip yesterday to buy packaging supplies for samples and also to meet up with Jo. She treated me to a buffet meal in Cafe Ilang Ilang at the Manila Hotel. Yummy.

I'm not really fond of eat-all-you-can buffets because I don't eat that much. I know, hindi obvious. Mukha akong marami mag-kanin. Haha. Shet. Not funny. Jo said there were 11 stations, each a different cuisine. From the Japanese station, I had ebi tempura and eggplant and okra tempura; Italian- two slices of pizza because I adore cheese (not Escudero); Thai- green mango salad, tom yum taley, chicken with ginger and a fish dish I can't remember what it's called; Brazilian- Hungarian sausage, some kind of steak, grilled potato and asparagus; Chinese- a few shreds of Peking duck; and, three kinds of cheeses from the bread station. And oh, grapes! I love love love eating grapes with cheese. Heaven :D

Dessert was leche flan, Mango mousse and Strawberry shortcake and two scoops of gelato- mixed berries and Chocolate Ferrero. Loved everything on my plate! For the price, it should be delicious. Haha. But I guess if you're a glutton, sulit.

Since we finished lunch at 3:30 in the afternoon, watching a movie was already out of the question. I still had a bazillion errands to do and we arrived in Binondo around 4pm. I'm left with only an hour to get everything on my list. FYI: I did get everything. Props to me and my Divisoria-savvy ways.

Meeting for tomorrow was moved on Sunday morning. I still haven't seen the latest Sarah + John Lloyd movie and I reckon I must see it before the week ends, by hook or by crook. For now, dinner is waiting. Crabs. FTW. High blood. Fatty liver. For The Weak-willed. Eeeek!
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