Thursday, August 20, 2009

Book 09-06: The Cure for Crushes

"I'm like the human equivalent of E.coli. I repel people."
- Haley Harmony

Cheap entertainment. Got the book for only P75 at Booksale. It was a very fun read. You see, I'm already in my mid-20s (yeah, right, more like late 20s na) and I still get these schoolgirl type of crushes once in a while. So, I thought maybe this book would be fun and it was.

Haley Harmony is a 17-year-old high school senior who decided that her last year in high school would be her TGYML ("the greatest year of my life") but eventually thinks that she could actually be having TWYML ("the worst year of my life"). Well yeah, she could be annoying when she tends to crush on her best friends' boyfriends [#4 on list of things to accomplish while suspended from school: Stop crushing on inappropriate people (accomplish this by not leaving the house)] even when she has her own and man, has she got a terrible case of hypochondria. But the aforementioned were also some of the things that makes her funny. The book's in journal format so you read her thoughts exactly. She starts her entries with a chart stating her Mood, Hair, Health, Horoscope and JT Sightings per day. JT is her best friend's boyfriend with whom she just happens to have a big crush on ever since. I find it funny that for JT Sightings, she sometimes puts irrelevant, but the category never leaves the chart so it is not really irrelevant, right?

"I felt as attractive as a piece of chewed gum on someone's shoe." She just took the words right out of my mouth. Haha. That's why I enjoyed the book very much. There were bits and pieces in here I was able to relate to. I'm just happy that I'm not as unlucky as she is. Anyway, I reckon I'm too old for crushes. Haha. I need to, like, grow up. Whatevs.

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