Thursday, April 3, 2014

2014 Book Challenge: Pivot Point and Split Second

Never in my wildest thoughts had I imagined that I would love reading. I tried to read when I was younger but I never really had the focus and will to finish a book unless I am super digging the story. Maybe at that time I just hadn't met my genre-soulmate. 

I read a book series right after one another which I usually don't do because I want to give other books a chance. Maybe with the exception of the Jessica Darling series because it's just too awesome and I was madly smitten with Marcus Flutie. So anyway, the first Kasie West novel I read was The Distance Between Us. I liked it because there weren't overly dramatic characters. In Goldilock's terms, everything was "just right." Although I liked her first book, I was a little skeptical because I was never a fan of fantaseryes, so to speak, hehe. For a wee bit, I was into vampires because of Edward Cullen, until Bella ruined everything for me (kaya I didn't even bother reading the last book in the series), but after that I think I never read anything vampire or paranormal and Pivot Point was sort of a fantaserye. But many were recommending it on Goodreads and my first experience with the author was positive so I did pick it up.

Addie is a Paranormal (Para, for short). Paras are people with fully-developed brains with mental abilities. They live in a Compound with all the other Paras, separate from the "Norms" or those without super mental abilities. Addie is a Searcher and her ability is being able to see two  futures. This book actually reminds me of a Gwyneth Paltrow movie, Sliding Doors

In this book, I have confirmed that I am really a bad judge of character. During the first few chapters, I was very pro- Duke. I guess it was because I thought Duke sincerely liked Addie and Trevor seemed a bit uninterested in her. I was rooting for Duke until I found out that he was just using Addie. Actually, I was still rooting for him even after I found that out and I wanted Addie to give him a second chance. Although I still maintain that I liked Addie's father than her mother ☺ 

Absolutely enjoyed this one even if it took me longer than usual to finish. I really liked Addie's character- not too angsty even with her parents' divorce. And you know me and my penchant for love triangles ☺ I thought the choice she'd make was between Trevor and Duke. I never thought that the choice she has to make would be between her life or Laila's.

In Book 2, Split Second, the story is told in two POVs- Addie's and Laila's. It was really disappointing that Duke didn't turn out to be what I wanted him to be but I guess it's alright since Trevor kind of grew on me. 

In Laila's corner, a relationship is also brewing. Well, we kind of knew where their bickering would lead to. Laila was made into a main character in this book alongside Addie which I think was needed because we already knew what happens with Addie and Trevor. Connor reminded me a bit of Emilio of Ockler's The Book of Broken Hearts, with the tough exterior and the motorcycle part. Initially I thought she'd end up with Duke but then again that would be oh so awkward and what Duke did was a little douche-y, so buti na lang they introduced a new character as her love interest. 

However, the ending was hard to believe because these teenagers were able to dupe three Compound agents who I think were equivalent of the CIA or NSA. Supposedly, those guys were trained and cannot be easily outwitted by a group of teenagers. But you see all's well that ends well. Plus, Trevor can play football again, huzzah!

If there's one thing I learned from this work of fiction, it is that things that are bound to happen, happen. Well, that seems to be the recurring theme for this week, eh? In The Walking Dead, there's "Everything will work out the way it's supposed to" and in HIMYM, it was also sort of the same thing when Ted still ended up with Robin. So does this mean that our life is just one big flowchart with if-then-else statements? We would never know. 

Because an illusion is an illusion.
Reality always exists despite the facade.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

I Shouldn't Be Doing This Right Now

So I still haven't gotten over that HIMYM finalé just yet. How can I move on when my social network feeds are buzzing with everything HIMYM. Some liked the ending, some didn't. It was no secret that I liked it, maybe because I was never really 100% into Tracy aka The Mother. Yeah, it was a little fairy tale-ish but hey, I'd rather be misled with a lie. Haha.

* With the kind of build up leading to the series' final episode, the viewers' expectations were nothing less than stellar. I mean, the show was legendary and we sort of expected for it to end the same way. But we can't please everybody. Found this article- 5 Criticisms of How I Met Your Mother's Ending (And Why They're Invalid), for all of you who were disappointed with the ending. Not all fans are like me- I have unconditional love for thee.

* Was in a Twitter conversation with a friend earlier today and we were talking about HIMYM's ending and I was telling her how it gave me hope just when I was thinking of giving up. Eh namatay daw si Mother, how the hell did that give me hope, according to my friend. Haha. May point siya. But really, Ted and Robin being finally together after all those years- Priceless. Everything will work out the way it's supposed to (got that from the most disturbing and heaviest episode of TWD). Akala ko ako lang ang nagiin-OA at naghahanp ng life lessons but apparently there are people like me- 19 Times HIMYM Restored Your Faith In Love. But really, dammit. I don't want my faith in it restored :P

I will never look at yellow umbrellas the same way again *sigh*

UPDATE: So I found another article about HIMYM's series finale. I didn't know people have strong feelings against that little twist at the end. Here's a fan-edited of an alternative ending which what should have happened~

You know what, this looks good too. I would have loved any of the two. Maybe fans found the ending a little contrived? Or maybe they think that Robin doesn't deserve Ted (I believe this. But the heart wants what the heart wants). Sana nagpa-text vote na lang sila. Chos. Let's not judge the series by its ending- those were funny nine seasons ☺

And on other news... I just saw this online

It's a Chanel bag with the Nickelodeon characters on it. It's Arnold! Although it would have been so much better if Helga was on it, too.

And oh here's another one I saw online- a Rebel Wilson meme.
So true, right? Fakkit.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

All Good Things Must Come To An End: How I Met Your Mother Last Season Finalé (for, like, EVER!)

Or in The Walking Dead's context, it's Terminus. Har dee har har. Okay, before I talk about HIMYM's last episode ever (sob), lemme talk about TWD. That was one disturbing season-ender, eh? It has happened before and it happened again last night- Rick zoning out and acting all crazy and never had I expected, not even once, that he'd bite a live man's neck off. The zombies are rubbing off on him. Hi hi hi. So yeah, Terminus is a cannibals lair and looks like we're starting next season with that. Many fans said that the ending was a bit lacking and anti-climactic whereas I think it was an awesome ending to TWD's fourth season. Bitin nga lang. Although I still am curious as to where has Beth gone. I am curious as to Beth's whereabouts while her sister, Maggie, is not. Sshh...don't tell Beth that, she already has enough issues to begin with. Haha. Whatever. Now back to regular programming...

Fug you, HIMYM, for once again letting me believe in love and that good things come to those who wait. Sumuko na ako eh but I got my hopes up once again after watching. Dammit.

One of the best series I absolutely love and adore and I have Ycel to thank for introducing me. I got into it a little bit late- around the third or fourth season, I think. But nevertheless, it was LEGEN-wait for it- DARY! This was one series I never have to give unconditional love to and stay with through thick and thin because for nine seasons it has been nothing but awesome, awesome and AWESOME. Of course there were a few boring episodes but it was mostly a weekly (for six months) dose of fun. And now it's over. Another one off the TV SERIES TO DL AND WATCH LIST.

Just a few minutes into the second to the last episode, I was already crying. [Ang OA ko] It was during that scene when Ted was saying his goodbyes to his friends. But of course he doesn't move to Chicago because "he met a girl" who turned out to be the girl.

Honestly, I wasn't too fond of the mother when I first saw her. I noticed that she has a lisp when she talks and that she's a less cute version of Lily. I wanted someone better for Ted. But The Mother eventually grows on you and I guess that is why they introduced her earlier than what I expected- I thought The Mother's identity would be revealed at the very last episode. It was not. They gave us ample time to fall in love with her as well.

Anyway... last Saturday, my cousin and I were discussing about the then-impending end of HIMYM. We were coming up with different assumptions as to how the series would end. My cousin hit it spot on- that The Mother would die and Ted and Robin would end up together. What we didn't see coming was Robin and Barney's divorce. It was sad. But I guess it was also that divorce that made Robin realize that she loves Ted. And what was supposed to be Ted's exit strategy to avoid getting hurt seeing Barney and Robin together, became Robin's instead. For Robin, Ted was "the one who got away" and her absence was more of avoiding seeing Ted happily married to another rather than her busyness. I sort of liked this twist. Seriously, I never saw it coming. I really believed that Barney and Robin would live happily ever after. But as they say, things fall apart so better things can fall together.

The kids were right. This story wasn't about their mother, it was about Ted and Robin.

I would most definitely miss this. It's a different thing when you know they're not coming back again on September. By now I should know how to deal with the loss of a beloved TV series. I've been here before, several times. I hope they don't do a spin-off out of it and just let it be. I will miss Mosby. I want my own Mosby.

You will be missed. 

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