Friday, July 2, 2010

Day 02: Places You Want to Visit

Two years ago, I blogged about the top 5 cities I want to visit and since then, I've only been to one which is Bangkok, Thailand but I reckon my list stays pretty much the same.

Spain. To practice the language, mainly. I've been learning Spanish for six years now and it would be best if I could speak it where it counts, en España ;) Let's see if my Spanish is comprehensible to the locals, which I doubt, haha! And I want to go to Spain for free via a scholarship which I will really pursue this year. ¡Ojalá!

Paris, France. I think everyone dreams of setting foot in the most romantic city in the world, in my opinion. I have Savage Garden's Truly Madly Deeply video to blame for this one. Before, I never really cared about Paris. When I was in grade school, the only place I dreamed of going to was the States because of Disneyland and when I was a kid, it seems as if almost everyone has been to the US, except me. I was manol like dut. So when I saw the Darren & Co. singing the most romantic song in the most romantic city, I knew I had to go to Paris. Plus, I really want to experience sipping coffee in an outdoor café in Paris. Ahhh!

Rome, Italy. This year, I've been to Rome several times already. Rome Street, that is. Boo! How I wish, right? And I live in Athens. Ha. Anyway, would love to go to Rome and see the greatness that was the seat of the Roman Empire. Recently just saw When In Rome and was inspired to wish on the Trevi Fountain.

and last but definitely not the least, New York! If Gossip Girl was my only reason to visit NY, now there's a more compelling reason to go- to visit my sister! So now when I go there, I'll have my personal guide who will also feed me for free, weee! Can't wait to read a book in Central Park ♥ while waiting for my sister to get out of work. Oh yeah, I can see it in my mind, I can hear Alicia Keys biriting "New Yorrrrk!!!!" September 2011 ♥

Mostly cities, if you noticed. I'm a city person. I'm not one who likes to rough it up. I'm not really fond of beaches and nature treks. Maarte ako, hindi lang obvious. I love walking around cities, most especially in a place where no one knows you. Yuck, feeling celebrity naman ang tunog nun. What I mean to say is you're free to do whatever you want because no one knows you and you could be a totally different person! I could grow my armpit hair long and wear a sleeveless top (LOL) and I wouldn't care because I'm never going to see those people again.

I never felt so lonely,
Never felt so out of place
I never wanted something more than this
"Santa Monica" Savage Garden

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