Sunday, July 22, 2012

RT 2012 book 14: fourth comings by megan mccafferty

Marcus Flutie proposed to Jessica Darling. Remember how I was distraught that I have read this event in someone else's book review? Apparently, this was revealed in the first few chapters of the book so it didn't really spoil things for me.

Charmed Thirds left us with Jessica and Hope embarking on a cross-country trip. Unfortunately, said trip was cut short because they were carjacked and what's more unfortunate is gone with their other belongings are the Marcus' journals. Jessica took one notebook, assuming this was one of Marcus', that she can read. However, this was the empty notebook Marcus gave her wherein she was supposed to write her thoughts and feelings during her supposedly 30-day trip. Fourth Comings, more or less, starts with the marriage proposal Jessica neither accepted nor rejected at the moment. And the empty notebook is where Jessica wrote down her answer to the question.

Regardless of my fondness over Jessica Darling, I've always felt that she's a little self-centered, selfish. Most especially when it comes to her relationship with Marcus Flutie. I know, I know, who am I to judge her being inexperienced in the field of relationships, but man, she's one irrational gal. Or maybe I'm just blindsided with my infatuation over Marcus? Hmm.. Anyway, her hesitation to give an affirmative response she attributed first to the fact that he is a 24-year-old college freshman at Princeton. Why not Columbia or NYU? Why not somewhere in the city where they can be together? She fears the 18-year-old freshgirls who are pining over him. She hates how he doesn't tell her much. She misses the conversations they had before they became them. She also hates how she was not informed of the past he shared with Hope. In a nutshell, she rejected his proposal because of the but not limited to the aforementioned reasons.

I've failed to mention that this whole book series thrives mainly on a Barry Manilow [the ultimate showman!] soundtrack. I dedicate this Barry Manilow song to the their doomed relationship~

The entire duration while reading the book, I was second-guessing as to what her final answer will be. I may have changed my guesses, depending on the chapter's content. Of course, I wanted a YES but in the end it was a NO. It broke my heart. Oo, affected ako. Naiyak pa nga ako eh. But there's a glimmer of hope for them still in Perfect Fifths. I hope the end of the Jessica Darling-Marcus Flutie story will be what the title suggests it to be. 

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