Sunday, December 19, 2010

pick flick: tron legacy

Eastwood last night with BFF Armida. Merienda/dinner at Kogi Bulgogi (or is Kogi Korean?) and I had scrumptious beef bulgogi rice toppings and jap chae. After our almost 2-hour meal, we made pasear around the mall, usi at the tiangge and that's when I saw Tron Legacy's movie poster. I absolutely have no clue about the movie and have come to know about it only through Chuck, my favorite geek. Because we still have a lot of time on our hands and Armida has her handy dandy movie pass, we watched Tron Legacy.
Garrett Hedlund- my current eye candy ;)
this girl's brows are to die for! Of course, she's beautiful as well but I reckon the brows are attainable
  1. Garrett Hedlund plays Sam Flynn, Kevin Flynn's son who is also some sort of a techie. It's official, Hedlund is my man-crush as of the moment. Abs kung abs, pare ;) I like **ahjumma mode** Of course, googled him right away when I got home and found out he was Harlan in Georgia Rule. Grabe, styling really does wonders. Even if this movie has got me scratching my head at the end, just ogling this eye candy compensates for the mostly clueless two hours of Tron Legacy.
  2. I wonder if Chuck, in any of the recent episodes, mentioned 2010's remake of his 1982 favorite. Because I have been very busy the past few weeks, I haven't been able to watch Chuck (or any of my favorite series for that matter) and I am interested to find out if he had made any mention of the movie. 
  3. Another sign that I am watching too much local tv- Kevin and Clu actually reminded me of Agua Bendita. Haha. 
  4. If I were to create an alternate universe, I think I would make it better than our universe. I really find it weird and I don't think anyone would want to live in a world like that- first, there's too much violence; and second, they only have three or four colors. Such an unhappy place, I tell you. If I were to create an alternate universe, I'd make it a place I would want to escape to, not to escape from. Kevin kind of realizes this towards the end when he says that he was so obsessed with creating perfection that he failed to see that it was just right before his eyes all the frickin' time.
  5. Olivia Wilde's brows are beautiful! I covet her brows truly madly and deeply. If only I could have brows like that I would be one happy girl, but then again what are these brow powders and pencils for? But yeah, she makes me want to watch the more recent seasons of House.
  6. 28 years ago, a movie like this would've been the shizz with all the science fiction ekek but living in the here and now where science fiction is slowly become more science and less fiction, I am not that much awed with this one. Don't get me wrong because I liked the movie though I am not a raving fan. 
I don't know if there will be another sequel. I think yes, but then again my guesses are almost always wrong so let's just wait and see. I still cannot fully grasp what the movie's all about. I think I get it but I am not sure if I really do. But I will stop dissecting the movie and just revel in Garrett's hunkiness ;)

Tron Legacy is movie # 62. Ack. 38 more movies to go and only 11 days left of 2010. Although I think it still is possible with all the DVDs still unwatched and Ycel's pamanang VCDs but then again there's the factor of other pressing matters that needs to be done like the books of account, blech. Ay basta, Garrett Hedlund **sigh**

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