Tuesday, March 18, 2014

A New Label Category Since I Do Spend Too Much Time On The Internet

I want to start this new 'label' or category here in my blog about various interesting articles I find on the internet. Just so I could keep track of the interesting reads or trivia because I love that shizz.

Whilst I am not exactly an internet addict and can actually live without it, I'm afraid I cannot resist it. Give me an internet connection and a computer, I surely would get sucked into the wonderful world of ze internet. So without further ado~

 * Buzzfeed is buzzing with a lot of interesting and/or funny articles. I came across this one- 26 Problems Only Anxious People Will Understand- while browsing the site. Seriously, this article just described me. FML? FML. It's not funny, you guys. It is exhausting, I tell you. I do not know how to relax. Even when I'm supposedly relaxing, I tell myself to relax. But yeah, this is funny. 

* The abovementioned article was written by a Buzzfeed writer who also owns a blog and she is funneh. I already followed her on Twitter and am planning on bookmarking her blogsite. 

* Speaking of Twitterverse... As I was lulling myself to sleep by perusing the wonderful world of Twitter, I read all of Wilson Bethel's (HoD's Wade Kinsella) and John Francis Daley's (Bones's Dr. Sweets) tweets in one sitting (actually, I was lying down, hoho!) and I am hooked, I tell you. Especially Wilson Bethel's tweets very amusing.

My life is just like Breaking Bad... minus the meth, the sidekick, the murderous rampages, and even a basic understanding of chemistry...

I'm making a film called "Twitter: The Movie". It's tough to cast. There are 140 characters.

He's funny. Amirite?

* Running a business is hard work, you guys. It may seem easy but having a business means working 24/7. Okay, I work whenever I want to, I don't have a boss, I can watch a movie whenever. BUT you never get to fully escape it. Maya-maya someone will send you a text or call you in the middle of the movie you're watching and if it's something bad or a problem, you will never get to enjoy that movie. Or that lunch with friends. So anyway, I like to read about successful people and how they were able to make it big, their habits. I also want to make it big someday ☺ Here's another article- 42 Successful People Share The Best Advice They Ever Received. Hope I can follow their advice. First thing I need to work on: Self-discipline nang bonggang-bongga.

* I came across this list on 9Gag- 20 Life Pleasures That Are Completely Underrated. I strongly agree with #1, 8, 15, 16 and 17.

So that's it for today. Wasn't able to spend (excessive) time on the internet, had to do grown-up stuff like go to the bank. And on that note, just wanted to say I already opened a TITF account! Yeyeyey! One down.

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