Saturday, January 19, 2013


So now I have time to watch all the TV series I want. Don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing, actually. You see, I kinda like having my hands full with orders because it means I am not sitting on fat lard ass and I am productive and productivity translates to moolah, but rest is also good.

Anyway, I don't think I can catch up with Hart of Dixie episode (non)reviews anymore. The good news is I haven't gotten to watching the remaining Gossip Girl episodes just yet so that means I can still do my (non)reviews on them. But the sad part is I already know who Gossip Girl is even though I haven't seen the final episodes yet. No thanks to my cousin who accidentally spilled the beans. Boo!

I don't usually post about my 20-minute series but this week's Suburgatory episode is just too funny. Tessa's supposed to have all her four wisdom teeth taken out, to which heavily anesthetized Tessa refers to as the Wisdom Teeth Conspiracy Thing. Ha Ha.

What is the one thing that we have that they don't? Teeth. Have you ever seen an alien with teeth?
- Well, the alien in the movie Alien had huge teeth.
I'm talking about real aliens, not Hollywood aliens. They're here for our teeth.
What's this?!? You've captured their souls?!
Seriously, the actress who plays Tessa's good. And oh, this scene-
is a reference to Claire Danes's breakdown in Homeland. Funneh.

Ryan is super sablay but he's really sweet and he likes Tessa for real.
Ryan: I'm super attracted to you right now... and your face is puffy and your gums are bloody
and your lips are dry and lusterless. That must mean something, right?
Tessa: Don't make me smile, it hurts.
Ryan: See, I make you smile even if it really hurts to smile. Maybe that means something, too.
I guess Tessa also likes Ryan but she thinks he's a little too dumb & dumber for her. She tries to explain to explain to Ryan that they're opposites, to which Ryan replied, "That's good, because opposites don't push each other apart, they do the other thing." But he's really sweet... and he has abs, too ;)

And Sheila Shay is scary. Really scary.

Anyway, I also started watching this new series- Bunheads. I love it. Maybe it is the frustrated ballerina in me. Ha.
She throws funny comments but I still think she's a little annoying. That smile is annoying. Or creepy. I haven't decided yet.
It's interesting and fun to watch.

I really love these girls. I like Boo the most :)

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