Tuesday, August 28, 2012

and so the countdown begins

I'm so backlogged with my reading "assignments" already and I feel I'm going to have less time for it since it's bazaar season soon. But then again that also means more trips to suppliers and more time spent on waiting which means time to have my nose in a book (or ebook).

Still on my Anna & the French Kiss read which is taking me forever to finish because it is in Spanish and I find it easier to read it on the computer than on my phone which means I only get to read before I go to bed. Anyway, I was out yesterday and as usual I paid a visit to my favorite shops- book stores! Lookie what I found~

FINALLY!!! I have Jessica Thompson's This Is A Love Story. I've been looking for this book for, like, ever! It has been out of stock for the longest time and I can't find copies on the internet also, so when I saw copies in Powerbooks yesterday, I grabbed a copy right away. The best thing was it was on sale at 20% off. I'd just have to rein in my expectations for this book or I might end up being disappointed. Thrifted Jerry Spinelli's Stargirl and a Sweet Dreams novel from Book Sale. I'm so happy ☺ It really doesn't take much to make me happy- new (cheap) books and Twister fries & Coke Float from McDo do the trick.

Speaking of Twister fries, I have relapsed and am back to my sweets-soda-rice-and everything else diet. Not only am I devouring everything that's bawal but I'm eating them in big portions and frequently. I feel so bloated na naman. I blame this on Twister fries and the fact that it's only here for a limited time- parang mas justifiable yung mga pig-outs. Like yesterday, I ate rice and soy chicken, hakao, had Gong Cha wintermelon, shawarma and mocha frap. Lahat ng bawal. I feel so guilty for eating too much. Self-restraint, where art thou?

P.S. Got myself hooked on Suits. I have a new fictional character crush- Harvey Specter! And oh I just remembered, it's September soon- new season for my beloved series ♥

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