Sunday, June 3, 2012

RT 2012 book 8: stupid and contagious

Nako, I'm again backlogged with my goal of 2 books per month. It's already June so I should already be starting on my twelfth book. I'm about to start on my 9th pa lang. I'm making my reading assignments priority than my 100 Movies goal this year. I'm trying to make myself smart. Or at least, just so I don't lose any brain cells due to brain's inactivity.

Trying to make myself smart. Bah. Can chick-lits or YA books make me smart? Ha.

Stupid & Contagious
Caprice Crane

image credits

Right now I think about my life and how every
single thing I've ever done has gotten
me to right here.
A book about two people both fumbling through life, then falling in love without them even knowing it.

Heaven became part of Brady's life when he moved in next door to her apartment. Although Brady initially thought Heaven's cute, her craziness stumped her cuteness. He felt she was intruding his privacy by opening his mails which were missent to her door. The two didn't hit it off well in the beginning.

I loved this book and enjoyed reading it. Though it took me a month to finish it because of my Kdramas (Protect the Boss was a waste of time!). It was a fun read. Stupid & Contagious was a little reminiscent of Anna Maxted's Getting Over It.

Both characters were lovable. Heaven was crazy bordering on AD/HD but I swear she's the funny kind of crazy. Brady's more normal but I loved his ideas and his reactions to things. Or to be more specific- his reaction to what Heaven does.
I'm reminded of "The Princess and the Pea" and get to thinking... What kind of girl is going to feel a pea under her mattress? And furthermore, what kind of man is going to find a girl who is so distressed by a measly little pea and think, "Now that is the woman for me." - Heaven
Agreed. I think if Heaven were a real person, we'd be friends. Aside from sharing the same sentiments on guys who like high-maintenance girls, we also agree on sleeping only on half of the bed, the other half being occupied with books, magazines, bags, among other things.

Before, I used to like serious, business-y books and steer clear of romance novels, chick-lits. But now it seems I've found my genre ;) I love how chicklits and YA books give me that feel-good vibe. Of course, business-y books are a must to educate myself, but I've definitely found my niche. Next books I'll try to read are Paige Harbison's Here Lies Bridget and EL James's 50 Shades of Grey.

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