Monday, August 8, 2011

book 2011-10: along for the ride

My second book in the YA category this year. Pero in fair ha, my book choices this year has been very diverse. Though reviewing the books I've read for the year, I don't have anything business-related yet. But they're so boring... but but but they're what I should be reading :( They're like vegetables, they're no fun but they're good for the body and in the case of business books, good for the mind and business skills. But I happen to love vegetables so maybe it is an acquired taste. I should get used to the "taste" of business books. Ohhhkay... going back...

It was a fun read. Kilig read, too. More kilig moments here than Colasanti's Take Me There. First chapter pa lang I know how this one's going to end but still I just had to take all those kilig scenes in. You know me, I live for giddy. I knew from the start that this cold, no-nonsense girl on summer vacation at her dad's house will find love, at least a fling, over the summer. I knew from the start that this quiet, aloof guy will fall for the tourist who sees him differently. Same old, same old but there's a little tweaking here and there and our same, old love story feels brand new again.

What is the deal with love? Is it really that great? Hey, my expectations are super high already with regard to love and I hope that LOVE will live up to me expectations. Ha. C'mon, I challenge you LOVE. Haha.

Back to the book. Auden spends her summer before college in her father's town, Colby, to meet her new sister and spend time with her father. During the course of her vacation in Colby, she finds and realizes who she truly is and resolves her lifelong issue of her parents' divorce. The people she met changed her lives for the better. In a nutshell, this book teaches us not to judge a book by its cover.

Ha, what a sucky review this is.

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