Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Waiting for My Slobong

It's a rainy and humid, sticky Tuesday. I dislike rainy days but I don't like 38ºC temperatures as well. Why can't it be Christmas already? I love it that it's already June, just 6 months away 'til we deck the halls with boughs of holly fa la la la la la la la la la ♪♫ I even have my Christmas decor for the plaza already. Excited much?

I'm here alone in the room, alone but not lonely. Just finished researching for possible promos for the spa for the months to come. Sales has been low for the past two weeks and although I could attribute the fact to a lot of factors (ie. people are busy preparing for school opening), I think I would have to be proactive here and bombard our clients with new happenings and promos. For a small village, there are a whole lot of nail spas and salons here. Of course, a little competition is healthy but I think it's time we do without the sari-sari store mentality. Go find your own brilliant idea. For crying out loud, they can't even come up with their own spa operating hours. Tsk.. tsk... Okay, now that I'm done with the bad vibes, let's proceed with the good ones.

I've been a bit kikay lately, I don't know why. Before all of these, my only vanity concerns were my pimples and eyebrows. I never even cared about make-up. Or worried if the strands of my hair are neatly brushed away from my face. Well, I do think it's about time that I do some preening. I have to primp myself up if I want to look polished, right? I've already bought some stuff which I think would help me in this little journey to looking all polished and here are some of what I'm planning to buy in the coming weeks... that is if business is good.

to conceal all those imperfections, meaning, EVERYTHING

this product claims to dry out pimples overnight and prevent new ones;
I'll try this one once I've finished my current stock of drying lotion

to add to my collection of facial washes

to rid of all those unwanted facial hair

And these are a just a few of my must-haves ☺ Oh no! I must scrimp on some things so I could splurge on enumerated stuff above. And there's also this New York trip I'm saving up for. Target date is Autumn 2011. Must get rid of unnecessary expenses.

Speaking of expenses, the entire family, except AC, attended this Attracting Wealth seminar. Very similar to the secret and what I'm quasi-practicing right now. You just have to abide by the Rules of the Universe and its powers will conspire to give you what your heart desires. So now I'm kinda in the process of revamping my VISION BOARD and be more specific with what I want. Ayun nga, I've been sort of practicing this wealth attraction method for some time but never really experienced bongga effect. Maybe there's something I am not doing right, ya? There's a specific time to look at those pictures on your vision board to summon them in my life and that I've got to find out. Soon. But for now, I must continue looking for pictures to add to my vision board.

And oh, I should really lose weight. I've already gained 10 lbs before I went on vacation and I do believe that I gained more. Not for anything else but health reasons, I want to shed the extra pounds. And that, my friends, is the current source of my frustration. I currently see myself as this one big blob and I can't seem to imagine how I could lose 50 effin' pounds. I hope I could wish myself thin. Arrr...

And on that note, here's something from tumblr to remind myself that everything is possible if I will it. Yaha!


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