We are all in this together [HSM?? Haha.] as a family. The doctor all gave us our own programs to follow, addressing our health concerns. Part of the program is the Blend My Food therapy.
It looks like lumot with the consistency of sipon.
And I have to drink half a glass 3 times a day.
Consider yourself lucky.
We also have to be conscious of what we eat. It saddens the glutton in me. I looooove food. I'm an emotional eater so I tend to eat when I'm happy [to celebrate] and I eat when I'm sad [for comfort]. In the program, there are a lot of foods that should be avoided like dairy products, canned goods, salty food, soda (!), instant food (MSG overload), coffee, oily food (goodbye pizza?), pork and all processed foods. Well, the good thing about this program is that it is not strict. I could still have pizza once in a while.
Buti na lang magaling tagaluto namin since our diet should only consist of mainly fish and chicken. Imagine having fish for every frickin' day of your life? I couldn't imagine. I dare not imagine it. I need some days off fish.
Buti na lang magaling tagaluto namin since our diet should only consist of mainly fish and chicken. Imagine having fish for every frickin' day of your life? I couldn't imagine. I dare not imagine it. I need some days off fish.
so munch up those seeds.
The program lasts for 30 days and I'm only on Day 2. I do hope I could carry on with this veggie-guzzling thing for 28 more days. Come to think of it, it wasn't as difficult swallowing the saluyot, parsley and buko concoction this morning.