Thursday, July 10, 2008


I am currently addicted to Greek- which is bad since when I start watching a series and get hooked to it, I tend to sit through it continuously. Bad habit I really need to work on. Since I'm watching it online, once I pop, I couldn't stop. I found out about this series through Teen Vogue's Eva Chen's Beauty Blog. Aside from the thetas and omegas back in high school, I've never really had any experience with any greeks. And in the absence of Gossip Girl and Chuck, I thought I should give it a try. I did and... voila!

I am actually surprised as to how the series portrayed university life in the States. Still wondering whether it is anywhere near what's really happening over there. I've observed there were a lot of sex and booze. In every episode, it seems that there's always someone having sex with someone (kind of Melrose Place-ish but with college students) or a frat house binge drinking. Seriously, do these kids even study? Well, in spite of the aforementioned, I love Greek and am addicted to it.

I'm liking the Evan-Casey-Cappy love triangle. At first, I liked Cappy better since I thought he was the good guy and Evan Chambers was the stuck-up jerk. But several episodes and flashbacks later, I realized Evan was the good guy and Cappy was more of the jerk. Still, Cappy is cuter than Evan (that's why after Greek, I'm watching Quarterlife).

The idea of Cappy and Rebecca's.. umm.. crappy, but I'm starting to like it. It's a little reminiscent of GG's Serena-Dan pairing~ rich girl falls for the not-so-rich-boy. Or more like daughter-of-influential-family falls for a commoner. Oh enough with the hyphens. You get the idea...

I also like the fact that the series sends me back to college. Not exactly that my university experience was anywhere near that, it's actually nowhere near like it. But still it sends me back to memory lane. College was one of the most pleasant phases of my life worth reminiscing and apparently, I need to get over it already. But I still wish that our campus was as big as their campus is with a lot of places to hang out in, plus a lot of trees and greenery won't hurt either. On the other hand, having a small campus has worked to my advantage ;)

Anyway... I'm going back to my Greek viewing. ttfn!

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