Monday, December 11, 2006

Workshop Day#1

1 down. 3 more days to go.

Ya, I know I should be taking this seriously since this is no joke and we have paid money to actually learn something from it that would help or teach us how to run our business. Or I might be taking it too seriously that minute by minute, I feel the responsibility getting heavier.

They say that this business is something that one should really LOOOOOVE to do since if you're only in it for the money, it is not for you. And it is not also the industry that will bring you lots of moolah. I dunno. They're experts in this field so I should be believing every word they say, right. Which poses the question, am I the right person to manage the spa? I am not even fond of getting manipeds.

Moving on...

Although I must say that I am enjoying this workshop. Pero sana all speakers are as good as the 2nd speaker. The first speaker, the one who did the introduction and stuff, she's good and an expert in her field but she's too stiff, too boring. The 2nd speaker was great. The time just whizzed by. It was fun listening to her. While the 3rd speaker, I kenat anderstand her that much. She tok like dis. And she's so arte... putting down the Piripins even dho she is Piripina. (Ergo, the question: Is it more annoying if Filipinos put down their own country than if foreigners do it? Maybe, there's a manner of saying it that wouldn't come across as too arrogant).

Haay... I love it that I am learning lots of things but I am also hoping that the days would quickly pass by. I am a loner in this class kasi. All of them are gurangers na. And I feel oh so out of place since they're all handling big-time spas while I run sa tiny, tiny day spa in an inconspicuous, insignificant area in Metro Manila. Can't relate ako.

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