Saturday, September 22, 2012

awkward s02 e12: the other shoe

SEASON FINALE!!! So sad that it's already season 2's last episode. I'd have to wait for 9 months for the third one (which is a 24-episode season, ya'll!). Thank goodness I have my other series premiering in the coming weeks to keep me distracted.


So anyway, Jenna picks Matty over Jake which is perfect because I think Jake has gotten a little boring. Maybe Jake's appeal in the past was he was with Lissa- you know what they say... we always want what we can't have

School year's almost over and the Sophomore class is going to a trip in Europe. Val bullies Jenna's parents into letting Jenna go on (and pay for) the trip which isn't exactly how Jenna planned to spend her summer vacation. She and Matty already planned on going to camp again where Matty will be head counselor. But Jenna feels that Europe will be an experience but at the same time, she wants to be with Matty over summer break. I really think Jenna's decision not to go to Europe stems from the fact that she is afraid that Matty might find another girl. That wasn't said but I guess why would she forego Europe? It's Europe, for crying out loud! Yes, I loooove Jenna + Matty and they really look cute together but come on, they shouldn't let their relationship hinder them from doing and experiencing new things even if it not together. 

They really look good together! I get butterflies in my stomach when it's their scene together, haha. But still {uh oh, here comes the prude in me} Jenna's parents walks in on them making out INSIDE JENNA'S BEDROOM and they're not even shocked about it. I'm just shocked that some parents are okay about things like this. 

We all know that Sadie and Ricky were sort of a couple but now, Ricky's moving on to his next conquest leaving Sadie distraught. Who knew Sadie would be so clingy to Ricky, no? But that is not the most surprising twist of our season finale. It is... drumroll please...

Tamara and Jake! Who knew??? And what's weird (okay, it's not that weird) is that Jenna seemed a little jealous. Maybe she still feels territorial over Jake and Tamara is one of her BFFs. Let's see where this angle is going next season.

So am I happy that Jenna chose Matty? YES. 

Yes, I was conflicted (naks, feeling Jenna) before on whose team I was, but after a few episodes I realized I really want Matty. As I've mentioned before, Jake was a little boring. Jenna's life right now seems to be mirroring her mother's and I really hope this will not end like another one of MTV's show- 16 and Pregnant. Ha. Anyway, it was always fun watching this series. I swear, why is an episode only 20-minutes long??? 

This is not yet the end of it. I predict more of the Matty-Jenna-Jake triangle. We'll know in nine months. Argh. Torture.

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