Wednesday, August 17, 2011

what to do on a weary wednesday

Yup, it's definitely one of those days. Feeling crappy today and I think I know why but I don't want to share. Thanks to waking up to Chico-Delamar-Gino-Fran on the radio because for three hours I wasn't in a melancholic state of mind. So what better way to banish off bad vibes than to go on tumblr and find feel good stuff. Seriously, tumblr has been and is some sort of therapy for me.

Source: Ciarabella

Yes, that is what I am trying to do- KEEP CALM AND CARRY ON. I've been keeping calm and carrying on for quite a while already. I really need to pull my shit together. Been procrastinating since I don't know when and if I really want to make it work, I should stop putting things on hold. Parang for the longest time I've been wanting things to happen but I'm not really doing anything, I'm just waiting for the bayabas to fall off the tree. Juan Tamad ba. And I really think I need to step it up, move it a notch higher. I will start with decluttering again. I've done this several times but I always end up with clutter a few days after and I tend to get overwhelmed with the mess. 

So I need lots of happy thoughts today. I don't want to go to the shop today so I am thinking of stuff I need to do right here at home like my websites, put up more so my products will have more exposure. But first I will have to organize my stuff and maybe think of strategies to attain my goals. I have my 30 Before 30 list which isn't finished yet and I am actually annoyed that the person I hate most in the world is making hers as we speak. Sorry for the incoherence. Anyway, I think I need to organize my thoughts, my goals and post them somewhere conspicuous so I will be reminded. 

So how exactly am I going to do that? THIS IS FRICKIN' FRUSTRATING. There are two things I want to be: 1) a landlady of leisure, and 2) a shopping housewife. How materialistic, ya? I think I just realized that I need to put an adjective somewhere in there. So now there are two things I want and need to be: a happy landlady of leisure and a happy shopping housewife. Hoho! We are aiming for that but if God has other plans like making me a happy landlady of leisure but a happy shopping singleton then I think I can live with that. Though I am still hoping to having my own family, I'm just preparing myself for the worst-case scenario. 

So from now on this will be my mantra: I WILL. But to do that I guess I have to unglue my fat arse off the seat. And that's another thing- LOSE FRICKIN' WEIGHT. I am so disappointed with myself because I let myself go and instead of doing something about it I just kind of wallowed in it. So there's another thing I have to do something about- the weight issue. 

Oh I am not depressed, just one of those days that I think I need so I can reassess my life and prioritize. Plus it's really gloomy outside and gloomy days have that effect on me. I need a pick-me-upper!!! Actually, I think I'm at the crossroads of my life. Some options were presented and I am conflicted. Well because I think I am enjoying what I'm doing with my life right now (the business, I own my time, etc) but in the real world, it's not going to work. Am I still young? Because I consider myself one and sometimes I worry if I'm still young or I just think that and maybe I'm wasting my time away tapos one day I'll just realize I'm frickin' old and I haven't done something productive with my life. I just don't want to wake up one day and realize that I've wasted so much time. 


1 comment:

Mar said...

I understand your sentiments, cause sometimes I feel the same way too - though I know this is just a phase and you will get by, pulled through and happier at where you are in life! I wish you all the best! Cheers to a wonderful life we live each day! - Mar
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