Thursday, February 17, 2011

week 6: the week when i ate till i can eat no more

I used to hate Mondays when it used to be the first day of school then work. But now that Mondays mean I have the day off and all to myself and I could do anything and everything that I want sans guilt, I began to fall in love with it. Anyway... I was able to do some work-related stuff like call the courier for pick up of an order, send labels for approval and massage tutorial with Nene. Watched Eat Pray Love and The Social Network.

Honestly, I can remember what I did that day. If I remember correctly, I stayed home to take care of my sick sister. I stayed home rubbing the tummy my sister sick with dysmenorrhea.

Early morning train ride going to supplier. Savemore will be the death of me I swear. With the proliferation of accessible Savemore groceries, I'll be wasting money more often. Groceries, bookstores and hardware stores have that effect on me- they make me want to spend even if it's just a pen or chichirya. When I go in, I must buy something. Went to Rome to start working on an order.

Went to the printer's to pick up labels. Spent the rest of the day cutting labels, sticking them on bottles then packing the stuff together. Product pictorial to put on my business blog. Worked on another order- Tartine et Chocolate cologne and Olive room & linen spray. I love doing these stuff I could do this forever~

Delivery day. Because Nonoy was not available, I had to take a cab going to Tiendesitas. Not too convenient but it was okay. Hung out at Starbucks Silver City (Tiendesitas) and waited for client to pick up. Read a book while I had lunch. Just realized now that I hit three birds with one stone that day- had lunch, finished a book and made a delivery. Waited for AD to fetch me. Had merienda at McDo.

Saturday morning routine ♥ How I missed this even if I still get cranky having to wake up at 6am. Fun class. It's always nice to learn something new. Shangri-la with A after class. Lunch at Pho Hoa. Was able to coax her to transfer malls and watch My Valentine Girls. Dinuguan and bbq meal at Goldilocks after the movie. I hate it that I'm always hungry :( I was really conflicted whether or not to buy Cinderella's Sister DVD. I did.

Early morning drama c/o mi madre. Lunch-out at A Veneto in Hypermart. Joaquim's so so so adorable (and naughty na din). Bbq and chichirya for merienda. Started my Cinderella's Sister marathon. Once you pop, you can't stop!

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