Thursday, July 8, 2010

major pet peeve

Cankles used to be my major pet peeve. Well, I still get annoyed whenever I see cankles but that doesn't happen often, thank goodness! Anyway, I have a new one and it's when people misuse and abuse the usage of "much," as in excited much? for example. I see people on FB who use it as a declarative but it's supposed to be an interrogative sentence, one that usually asks a question and ends with a question mark.

As defined by urban dictionary:

Much (?)
Used at the end of a sentence, as if to confirm something that you already know. Often used in a playfully disrespectful way. Can also be used in a similar way to adding 'not' to the end of a sentence.

A: (says insult)
B: (overeacts)
A: Wow, over reaction much (?)

A: What's 1+1?
B: Haha, Genius much (?)

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