Tuesday, November 3, 2009

(Almost) Clean Slate

I can't bloody believe how October swooshed by SO QUICKLY. It's as if October didn't exist at all. Maybe because majority of the month was spent cleaning up the mess Ondoy brought. Though October felt non-existent, a major event for the family also happened the past month~ AD's wedding.

Speaking of AD's wedding~ it was more of a two-part event, the ceremony and the (official) reception. Yes, there was an unofficial reception. Haha. Now, that we're over and done with that chapter of our lives, we're off to another major event this coming December...

Vikitiki is due on December 12, just a day after AD's birthday. I'm excited for the arrival of my little nephew. I just love babies :D I can't help but gush when I see teensy-weensy shoes.

Back to AD's reception last October 25

What was supposedly an outdoor reception became an indoor event for fear that another weather disturbance would RSVP to the event. It was a good weather that night, cool and breezy. What ticked me off that night was HOW FAT I WAS. As in I can see my back fats poking out my dress. And to think I was in a black dress that night. Argh. I blame Ondoy for this... because I was all stressed with the mess, the repainting, etc., I have been emotionally overeating. Though I am not surrendering, I will still lose weight... eventually. Hopefully, I'll get the discipline to do so soon, most especially that it's the Christmas season soon. Anyhoo, luck for me.

Speaking of the oncoming holiday season and the New Year,

I alreayd bought a 2010 Planner. I'm so excited and I wanna use it already. Bought it at Fully Booked and it was a good thing that I got one right away. Vicky looked for a copy yesterday but found none. Lucky lucky me! I originally wanted and planned on getting a Moleskine 2010 Daily Planner but when I saw this one, I knew I had to get this. It was love at first sight. And at the quarter of the price ;)

Only 51 DAYS BEFORE CHRISTMAS, y'all! I'm so so so excited! It's already chilly at night and hopefully this kind of weather will last until Feb 2010. Omigolllllllllllllllllllleeeeeeeeeee....

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