Tuesday, July 21, 2009


photo credits: cartoonstock.com

Fr. Japs's sermon last Sunday inspired me to expound on last Saturday's reunion with college blockmates. He said that most people fear the idea of reunions, whether be it with high school or college friends, since we usually compare ourselves with how successful (or unsuccessful) others are compared to us. I second the motion.

As for me, I almost didn't go since none from my barkada was going and I was a little (little lang naman) embarrased of how much weight I've gained since college. I showed up and glad that I did since I had so much fun with my blockmates with all the reminiscing and intrigahan that we did. As it turned out, almost everyone gained weight. Well, there was this one girl blockmate who arrived late and expressed her disbelief at how big I've become by stating [the obvious] loudly, for everyone to hear, in her words, na ang laki-laki ko na. Okay. I know. Obvious. Now, what's your point? Moving on.

Aside from the weight gain issue, if I were insecure about my career (or lack thereof) I would have not gone since most of them are already lawyers. Or in HB case, he said that he receives a 5-figure salary every payday (whatevs!). Honestly speaking, I am still a little insecure about my career and I still do think about what might have been have I pursued law school, but I don't think that should prevent me from seeing them again. Since I am in a journey in finding true happiness (if ever such exists), I choose not to make comparisons. Comparing oneself to another's success is a surefire way to feel inadequate. And I also choose not to mind people who brag about their monetary successes to make themselves feel important. Next time you spread those gold credit cards on the table, be sure to offer to pick up the tab, aye? Success is relative. The more sucess, the more relatives. Haha. Umm, seriously speaking, the idea of success depends from one person to another. To others, it may be having 10 gold credit cards and being able to buy whatever they want. For me, it would be the day when I have my own family. Of course, it wouldn't hurt if I could buy everything my family needs and wants ;)

Out of 30++, only 10 came. I was expecting more would come but apparently, the others who confirmed suddenly became busy on a Saturday afternoon. Karl expressed his disappointment with the poor attendance but I told him that unless everyone settles their issues with everyone, the turn-out would always be poor. He said we're all grown-ups and we should have moved on from all those petty issues we had back then. But being a grown up doesn't necessarily mean you have actually done some growing up, gets? Maybe as time passes and as we grow (much) older, we would learn how to move on or just learn how to ignore that someone. Sayang naman that because of that one person, you're missing out on reconnecting with the many others.

Maybe reunions are indeed painful because they remind you of what you are or what you are not. But I think more than comparing notes, reunions are there to reconnect you with old friends. In a way, they have been part of your life and it's always nice to know where are they now and what they're up to. Or maybe I'm really just chismosa? Ha.

1 comment:

single lady said...

Hi... you know its nice to see friends before... dont be insecure tita joy...as what you have told me before, we are different from one another. As long as you are happy with what you are doing right now, go for it. you're so young tita joy. take every opportunity that comes your way. We have the same idea of success and that is having a family of my own...and i could'nt ask for anything more. Just keep on praying tita joy....we have our own struggles to success but along the way of that struggle, we learn something new, something different. This experiences makes us the person - of who we are right now. Just keep on praying tita joy! God bless!

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