Thursday, April 9, 2015

2015 Reading Challenge: Second Chance Summer

Be careful what you wish for cos you just might get it. I enjoyed Morgan Matson's Since You've Been Gone so much, I decided to read another one of her books, plus reviews said this one's going to give you (the reader) a good ugly-cry, which I reckon I needed right now. But you see, I was still a little skeptical. I didn't know I was going to get my wish. Kaya ayan... I am now nursing a headache from all the ugly-crying I did.

The story starts with Taylor not wanting to go with the family back to Poconos for the summer vacation. The last time she's been there was five years ago and how she left things there back then were a little unresolved. She was dreading going back not only because of the possibility of running into Henry and Lucy again, but also in facing the real reason why the family's going back there again.

It was a beautiful story of second chances, rekindling relationships with friends and also our family. In a world so fast-paced, it's easy to forget about the things that really matter. It was just unfortunate that for the Edwards, it had to be a situation like this to bring them all back together and be a family in the truest sense of the word.

My favorite part would have to be when Taylor begged his dad's nurse to bring his dad outside so he could see the meteor shower and she told him, 'I love you daddy,' to which he replied, 'I knew that. Always knew that.' I was already bawling at this point.

I was going to give it five stars but minus one star for giving me a terrible headache so, four stars.

"Sometimes my grandfather was awake, and would sit with me while I looked
up at the stars, needing to see something fixed and permanent while everything
else in my life seemed to be breaking apart."

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