Thursday, January 17, 2013


French Kiss ( Diary of a Crush #1)
by Sarra Manning

Oh nothing like young love infatuation to make a thirtysomething old hag like me to feel even more bah humbug about love. Ha Ha. Kidding aside, I enjoyed reading this book so much- makes one reminisce about the joys and pains of unrequited love. But it didn't remain unrequited in Edie's case so yeah, whatever.

Edie was new to the school. She didn't know anybody that well and her first attempt to make friends actually backfired. So here she is pining for this beautiful boy, Dylan, (who has a reputation, if you know what I mean ;)) who everyone likes (or loves). Again, here is our pretty protagonist dissing herself and thinking she's not good enough for this beautiful boy so she admires him from afar.

Edie signs up for Photography class and guess who else is taking up the same exact course- Dylan. And by the looks of it (or should I say, by the way Dylan looks at her) beautiful boy is also interested. But because Dylan has this reputation she tries to avoid him but to no avail. Which leads to their first kiss. Which I think must be so electrifying that it's all that the both of them can think about. So yea, the book's title isn't French Kiss for nothing. I swear the word "kiss" makes up, like, 20% of this novel.

When it comes to fictional boy characters, Marcus Flutie is still my all-time crush. Dylan sort of reminds me of him maybe because of the brooding nature, although I bet Dylan's not as lovable as my Marcus. Hmm.. let's see- I need to get my hands on the other books in this series. But if I were to judge Dylan based on French Kiss alone, I'd say not bad.

Okay, it is an easy (and a very shallow) read but hey, whatever floats your boat, right?

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