Friday, November 23, 2012

happy thanksgiving, y'all

It's actually Friday now and technically, we don't celebrate Thanksgiving here in the Philippines but we still can join in on the fun, ya?

I have a lot to be grateful for and I mean A LOT. This year has just been very good to me so who cares if the world is ending next month. Just kidding. I reckon I've been watching too many doomsday prophecies and Mayan apocalypse theory on History Channel. Anyway, so without further ado~


  1. My family. Seriously, I have the best family in the whole wide world. Everything's not perfect and we've had our ups and downs but man, I have the most supportive family. Okay I now get it that my mommy just wants to teach me a lesson or two (actually, more) in business and not just dissing me and my efforts. Everybody has just been so helpful and supportive and I know they're proud of me even if I've achieved only this much. I feel so loved ♥
  2. My nephews. They're quite a handful now and super bratty, might I add, but they're ADORABLE. Nothing picks me up from a bad day better than just seeing them, playing with them. Even just the pitter-patter of their small feet on the marble floor brings a smile to my face. Another boy will be added to the brood of nephews soon. Excited ☺
  3. Business has been good. The nail spa has been doing better, relative to last year's performance. It still won't support me and my propensity to splurge on notebooks, wrapping papers and expensive scrapbook paper, but it's enough to pay for me language courses and lakwatsas. And my clients, I love them for sticking with me even if our little spa's a little worn out already. I promise to spiffy it up next year- new chairs, new towels, etc.
  4. It's been raining projects! Well, it's more of just a drizzle but still, this year has been one project after another. Orders keep on coming and I've been getting positive feedback. Nothing feels more fulfilling than people telling you you have awesome stuff. My favorite bazaar's next week and I can't wait to meet my fans again. #feeling
  5. That Singapore trip with my friends. That was really fun. I wish we could do that again someday. In Paris, perhaps? #asa #librelangmangarap #malaymo
  6. My friends. They're the best. I really love the fact that my friendships are low maintenance. We don't need to call or text each other everyday and meeting up usually happens less than ten times a year. I love it that they're the same old people that I loved ten twelve, seventeen years ago. Of course, there were others that fell by the wayside but it doesn't hurt to do a little weeding once in a while, right? And on that note, I miss my friends. 
  7. My new gadget- the Kindle from AB. I ♥ it to bits. Even if I haven't been using it as often as I want to just yet. You'll have your time, dear Kindle. I'm just too busy now, earning money so I could buy you a pretty case that costs half your price [ridiculous, no]. I've been filling it up with loads of books and honestly, I'm already overwhelmed with all of the books I think I have to read. I'm stepping it up next year, a goal of 50 books. #personalchallenge
Gahd. I swear I have a lot lot more to be thankful for. It's just I'm pressed for time and I really need to move my ass off this chair right now. Again, Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!!

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