I never really enjoyed MTV prods because I thought they were highly sexed up and I don't really like the idea that kids watch these shows and think it's alright to engage in PMS and think it's cool to be 16 and pregnant. Oo na I am a prude. But really, I think today's youth are in touch with sexuality at such an early age and think it's alright to dress as skanks. Jersey Shore, anyone?
But AWKWARD. is awesome, y'all! Well yes there is still the element of sex and at an early age might I add but the kilig kind of compensated for that. I'm biased, I know.
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Haba ng hair mo, Jenna. Literally and figuratively. I wish. Haha. |
Jenna, 15, has a crush on this cool jock Matty and they kind of got it on in camp. But the problem is Jenna's sort of in social Siberia and Matty belongs to the top rung of high school hierarchy. Matty admits to Jenna that he likes her but nobody can know about it. They hook up every now and then but their relationship has yet to be DTR'd (DTR: Define The Relationship). During the first few episodes, it wasn't that clear whether Matty likes-likes Jenna or was just using her for sex but eventually it became clear that he really likes-likes her but he's worrying on what the people would say. What did we learn from Steve Harvey? If a guy can't profess his love for you publicly, put your relationship out there then he's not serious about your relationship or is just plain immature because he is actually still in high school.
Life was easier when Jenna was still "invisible" but something happened that turned the tables overnight. She hasn't exactly climbed the social hierarchy of high school but at least people notice her which was what everyone wished back in high school, everyone wanted to be relevant. Jenna got her wish but she also got the attention and wrath of Sadie, the school's resident mean girl.
Sadie likes Matty. I'm not sure if the only reason why she hates Jenna is she knows that Jenna likes Matty and is kind of hovering around him. Hmm... I need to re-watch episode 1.
The other characters are lovable [except Sadie but I think her character's really not to be liked which means she is pretty effective], even annoying Tamara has her good side. I personally prefer Ming to Tamara but Tamara's really, really funny and it was amusing to watch how she [social] climbs her way up with red cup photos. Hilarious! I like Lissa because I feel she secretly hates Sadie even if they're supposedly BFFs. I also like crazy Valerie because she's, well, crazy. Matty and Jake deserve their own paragraphs, ergo
Meet Matty. Matty may seem like an asshole at first but he's really a nice boy. It's just that he's a teenager in high school when and where what people think of you is important because it decides where you sit in the pecking order. I like him because he went to Jenna's house in the middle of the night when she posted that she needs a hero in her life. Or that time when he admitted that it was him who invited Jenna to the kickback party even if he could totally not own up to it.
But you see, Jake seems much nicer. And cuter. Meet Jake. He likes Jenna and if only he doesn't have a girlfriend, he would totally go out with her. One time during detention, Jenna told him about this guy she likes so much but she's not sure if this guy really likes her and Jake thought Jenna was talking about him. So after detention he kissed Jenna. <Now I feel like I'm watching a Korean series- they always come in two's. Haha.> Jake, totally oblivious to Jenna & Matty's quasi-relationship, admitted to Matty that he kissed Jenna. And even if previously he told him that it was accidental and meant nothing, he eventually admitted that he likes Jenna in that way. Biglang na-threaten ang lolo Matty mo...
Season finale's next week and I'm so exciiiiited already. Good to know that Awkward's second season will be out early 2012. Yay!
I think I'm in love <3
P.S. I think I get more kilig over them...
Sana Sept 20 na :/
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