Saturday, December 11, 2010

blah blah blah

Will be attending my cousin's wedding tomorrow. Still don't have a strapless bra (TMI, ikr?) and shoes that will go well with my dress. Tomorrow's also our high school batch's 10th year reunion. I wanted to go but I reckon my cousin's wedding is much more important than some reunion with people I haven't even talked to for almost a decade. A little bit irked with three big zits on my face right now. Perfect, dang zits always know when to make an appearance. Always, always before an event. Psssh...

Tomorrow's going to be a hectic day which will be started off with a quick trip to IC to deliver Jaime's order. Will be dropping by a supplier to buy some materials. Then back home to prepare for the wedding. Here's hoping to bumping into him again ;) Kahit yun na lang pabuenas sa isang ngarag na umaga.

Speaking of ngarag, I have been running to and fro malls and building lobbies to deliver orders. I love it, actually. I hope I could do this more often, not only during the Christmas holidays. I love doing something, being busy with things to do. Plus, I get to gallivant around malls with the perfect excuse of delivering someone's order. But mall visits have to be kept short because other pending matters have to be attended to aka nuestra salon para las uñas and other orders. This means I haven't done any Christmas shopping yet. Boo! For sure, last minute na naman eto which I kinda hate. I'm not yet sure if this coming week will be the last wave of orders (of course, I'm hoping not) but if it is, I hope to do my Christmas shopping a week before Christmas.

still, having a driver (actually, my mother's) who can drive me so I could deliver orders a handy dandy notebook to list all the orders on new season of Bones finally finishing The One Minute Entrepreneur a new maid who also knows how to do manipedis wrapping gifts for my nephews plain white v-neck shirts permed lashes chats with clients pasalubong from Jo Daddy's home for cousin's wedding Shakey's Bunch of Lunch for lunch new pens the fact that compared to you, I am actually considered skinny :p 10-peso iced tea packs, great alternative to Coke cravingslate afternoon walks especially in this season's weather ♥ 

And oh, I still want to go on a Divi trip one last time before it goes crazy crazier. I want to buy a new pair of jeans. This is more of a need than a want, actually. Also, I need to get stuff for my girlilets. Though I don't want to go there alone. It sure feels much more enjoyable when the experience of squeezing yourselves in that crowd mob is shared with another. Ay mygolly banana, I'm way past my self-imposed time frame for tonight's internet use. I need to sleep now, will have to run errands tomorrow very early. Toodles ;)

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