Thursday, March 11, 2010

Chuck S03 E08: Chuck Vesus the Fake Name

Waaaah! I don't like this.
I must say, Shaw is pretty protective of Sarah and that makes him pretty hot. Haha. He's cute!!! But still, I am for the Chuck + Sarah team. I hate it that Sarah just fell so easily for Shaw when she and Chuck have gone through a lot.

Though I still believe that it's still Chuck for Sarah. She's just trying to distract herself from the fact that Chuck has Hannah. Her concern for Chuck is not because she is just concerned for him. She is a trained FBI agent and maybe she doesn't fall for those puppy-dog eyes so easily. There's still something there. I know ;) Like Sarah, I am sad that Chuck is, little by little, becoming this cold-hearted liar as the usual of spies. I want my old Chuck back. Chuck's changing and we must put a halt to that.

If I were Sarah, it would be a dilemma choosing between Chuck and Shaw. Chuck's funny and cute. But, man, look at Shaw~ he's really tempting. Gah.

But although I am still more of a Chuck+Sarah fan, I also love Hannah. I am quite thrilled that Chuck realized that he still loves Sarah. Weee! I am sad that he had to hurt Hannah that way but I am also happy that finally we're going to see some SJ attacks. I love you, Elie, for making Chuck realize that. But just when Chuck realizes this, Sarah decides to give Shaw the go signal. Boo!

I feel sorry for Chuck. He thought he wanted this, but I bet now he's not so sure. No Sarah. No Hannah.

Awww... don't be so sad. I'd take you in heartbeat, Chuck ♥

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