Thursday, February 4, 2010

S03 E06: Chuck Versus the Nacho Sampler

It just keeps getting better and better, just how I like it. But really, don't the CIA know any better than to keep making the Buy More as their rendezvous every frickin' time? Especially with today's technology, like GPS and similar shizz, it could be easier for the enemies to detect that there's something going on in there. But, not my problem.

Although I must say I was a little disappointed that there wasn't much about Chuck+Hannah. I was expecting more of this and how their "relationship" would flourish and make Sarah jealous, but I guess that would have to wait. Patience is a virtue. I think Sarah still hasn't predicted the threat that is Hannah. Casey referred to her as the newest Buy More-on. Funny! I just love this show.
I really really like Hannah but I don't know if I like her for Chuck or just because she could be instrumental to Sarah finally admitting, without retracting, her true feelings towards Chuck. Even if Sarah doesn't admit it, her eyes give her away. I think she has fallen for Chuck and because carnal rule of being a spy is "Spies do not fall in love," she's putting up this front expected of her in her line of work. But this is where Hannah comes in handy, to evoke those feelings.

The other nerd herds are circling Hannah like vultures circling their prey, even Morgan has got his eye on this one.
Jeff and Lester are creepy creatures, I swear. But Morgan stumps them in the creepiness department since he uses stalked information, like when he has Swan Lake playing in the background because he found out it's Hannah's favorite. But what's funny is that he completely forgets about Hannah when he founds out that his best friend may be keeping secrets from him.

This week's mish (Chuck's term for mission) is for Chuck to develop this IT geek Manoosh as his asset. Manoosh has constructed an intersect, with the aid of The Ring. This episode is somehow very reminiscent of Chuck's very first episode. Aside from the reasons why the government is after them, they kinda have the same profile. They even look alike, which I think is sadya. But Chuck is cuter ;)

But according to my sister, Manoosh could be Chuck's brother, especially given the fact that he was able to make an intersect. Hmm... Nah. I don't think so. Gut feel. Though I am still conflicted with Hannah. I'm thinking she's not because she just seems so innocent and fragile, but then again Kristin Kreuk has her Street Fighter background meaning she could do kung fu or something like it...

What breaks my heart is Chuck is beginning to learn the ropes of spy-dom. First, he rejected Sarah's elopement proposal. Then, he lied to Ellie, straight-faced. He betrayed someone's friendship. He even threw a blade at someone, not a gun but hey, it's a start. I don't know if I like this new Chuck and Sarah agrees with me. I like the old, geeky Chuck.
It's eating Chuck and I'm glad to know that he still isn't comfortable with all of these spy stuff. It doesn't come easily to him and I hope that in the end, he will not become a full-fledged spy. Speaking of the end, I have a feeling that this season could be Chuck's last. With Morgan and Ellie set to find out what's Chuck up to, sooner or later, he's going to be found out. Being a fan, of course I don't want Chuck to end but all good things must come to an end, right? And it's better that they end it while they still have a nice storyline going on. Plus, I want to know how the story will conclude. Wow, has it been really three years already? Really, time flies fast. Super fast. Next episode, please :)

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