Monday, January 26, 2009


I seriously need to lose weight. Before the Christmas holidays, I managed to shed 5 lbs but it seems that I've gained it back, doubled it even. My tummy has decided to play the role of a bottomless pit these days. I always find myself hungry even after just an hour after eating lunch, snacks, etc. And that is so not good. I find myself craving for food, food and more food. I feel so bloated but I can't stop eating. If I suppress the hunger, I just find myself even hungrier and then I give in and eat more.

I'm addicted to tumblr big time! It used to be Friendster. Then Facebook. And Perez Hilton, Robsessed and soompi too. tumblr is currently the shizz, y'all! I can't not check out the posts on tumblr~ lots of pretty stuff and nice quotes. It's also the reason why I feel so mushy these days.

I forgot to mention that last Friday, my sister and I went to Joli's for art supplies shopping. I bought a Reeves 16-color watercolor set for art journaling. Reeves is the cheapest brand of watercolor. I'll settle with Reeves since I will only use it for my art journals. No need to buy the more expensive Prang (even if the colors are much nicer). Also bought gesso paint. Finally. Although I am still clueless as to how to really use it. It's supposed to make the paper thicker to support the weight of baubles and whathaveyous you'll put on paper. I'm happy I waited for this trip. I was thisclose to buying the gesso paint for P500+ I saw in National. The gesso paint I bought from Joli's only costs P168.

After the art supplies buying spree, we went to Juno's place near UST. We brought siomai, kwek-kwek and chicken balls for merienda. Sarap. Nalula ako sa dami ng food choices! They even had a small (and cheap) Thai restaurant nearby. I ♥ kwek-kwek. Cholesterol.

January's almost over and I'm always halfway through The Book Thief. A new book every two weeks, huh? Yeah, right.

Though I still intend to keep that resolution. Just a bit backlogged...

I suddenly feel so pathetic. I won't expound. Hmph.

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