Thursday, October 23, 2008


* Happiness is...
two kinds of ice cream!
Coffee crumble & Green tea

* Weather's really weird. The sun's out, the skies are blue AND it's raining, too. Others say it is global warming. While others say there's nothing to worry about and actually blame Al Gore (The Inconvenient Truth) for making the people praning.

* While on the topic of heavenly bodies... I've had this thought about the sun for quite some time now. Our sun is a star, right? What would happen to earth, to us, when the sun dies? Will there be a new star to replace the sun and hold the solar system in place? Or will the earth fall out of orbit and float aimlessly in the universe and we will all die? Thankfully this won't happen in my lifetime (how selfish of me). When the time comes, maybe humankind will be so technologically advanced to be able to put the sun in life support. D'oh.

* Went to the dentist early this morning. I am getting used to these dental visits and I kinda enjoy them already... if not for the (usually) hefty price tag.

* Got a haircut last Monday. I'm not very happy with the result. I'm not disappointed with it either. I can't blame the hairstylist when it is my hair that's problematic, diba? I'm torn on whether I should have it straightened or hilaw na kulot. However, I don't want to subject my hair to another chemical torture. But if I leave my tresses in its present state (which is a state of disarray), it is I who suffer the consequences.

* I'm excited for the Christmas season!

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