Friday, August 1, 2008

ma mon luk

The inevitable first day of the month post. I just have to do it. Rant about how fast time flies. Month in, month out... I always seem to have a post that says "...time flies talaga even when you're not having fun..." Well, that's true. Most especially when you find yourself in the same exact spot you were five years ago.

I'll be turning a year older (again) soon. That too is inevitable. I'm dreading the fact that I'll be in my late 20s when the day comes. I think I have to do something with my life before it's too late. But then again someone told me that it's never too late to do anything. True.

Now I move on to something amusing (on my part). Yesterday, I helped someone find a funeral parlor called Everlasting. They wanted to go but they didn't know where it was located. I got the newly delivered telephone directories, got the topmost directory and opened it to this page...
Only certain people would know what this means.

1 comment:

christmas said...

hehehe... yeah.. sign ba yan? :)

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