Tuesday, May 13, 2008

GG Addiction

My cousin emailed me yesterday saying that she has the copy of the New York Magazine with the GG cast on the cover and that she had me on mind when she first saw it. She sending her copy to me and I think I'm getting it by July. Weee!
Dan looks gay, don't you think? What's with the man-boobs? As I'm falling out of love with Dan, I am starting to like Nate. I know Dan looks a little weird even then but now he's a little more weird-looking. I think he needs a haircut. He's starting to get those Michael Bolton-ish waves again. Plus, the way he puckers his lips and juts down his chin after every time he finishes speaking is starting to annoy me. And Nate, on the other hand, is muy guapo. Yes, I like him just for that plain reason.

Woman on the Verge
It was annoying what Serena's crime turned out to be. When she said she killed someone, I thought she had stabbed someone to death or shot or hit him with a champagne bottle on the head. Turns out, he gave the guy a line of cocaine to snort, he had an OD and died. As if it was her fault! Well, partly it was since she gave it to him but according to Lily, it was his drug and if Serena hadn't gave it to him at that time, he would eventually have taken it some other time. Korek.
What I love about this episode:
1) Guilty pleasure~ Nate & Vanessa. I never thought I'd like their pairing up but it makes me giddy with anticipation as to what would happen to them.
2) Rufus & Lily!
3) That Lily has finally stepped up and did her motherly duties... last episode, Eric. This episode, it's Serena.
4) the reunion of the non-judging Breakfast Club, haha
5) that Dorota actually spoke more than her usual, "Yes Miss Blairrrrr..."
6) The absence of Jenny Humphrey

And what I hate about this episode:
1) Dan= cheap. I never thought it would be that easy for Georgina to steal him away from Serena.
2) That Serena didn't tell the truth right away... to Dan, to her mother. She didn't frickin' kill the guy... it was more of a self-imposed guilt trip.
3) Rufus' one-hit wonder. OMG, awful awful song!

And this one is still in limbo: Georgina Sparks. Love her? Or... hate her? My head's saying I should hate her but her hair tells me not to.

And now I'm wishing that the remaining 6 days would swoosh by... voila! episode 18...

don't know why but Dan & Blair in one scene kind of makes me a little giddy


As early as now, we know that these two will reconcile but what's with the expression on Serena's face? Maybe Dan has come clean with what happened between her and Georgina?

And according to my sources, Georgina Sparks will be around until the next season to make Serena's life a little less perfect.

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