Friday, February 22, 2008

Oh... Sunrise!!!!

Woke up early one day and got up to go to the bathroom and saw the sun rising just as I opened the door. Outside my window was the beautiful sunrise. It's been awhile seen I last saw one. I hurriedly ran inside the room to get the camera so I could take a picture. I was surprised at how beautiful the scene was even if I took it through the window grills, with my neighbor's roof in sight.

Speaking of sunrise, I remember writing a short story entitled, Sunrise, Sunset. It was a requirement for our Philippine Lit back in second year. At that time, I was at the height of my Savage Garden fixation and was also kind of a little demented and obsessed. My characters were Darren (after Darren Hayes), Colby (after Hayes' ex-wife) and Casey (just a random name). The story was Casey likes Darren, Darren likes Colby, Colby likes Darren but she doesn't show it since she knows her sister likes Darren and Casey had just been stood up in her wedding. The ending was tragic with Casey killing both Darren and her sister... hmmm, actually, I already forgot how it ended. Basta it was tragic. But I still remember my last line, Casey wished that the sun would rise and shine on her life once again but realized that the sun has set on her once again...

My teacher commented that my short story was tragic. And that time, I meant it to be tragic. But looking back, I think it's kinda silly. And I actually cringe at the thought that I was that obsessed back then. Tapos, bakla lang naman pala siya ngayon! Hay.

Basta... sunrise symbolizes hope. And for me, that is just what I need right now. And I know that there is hope... And I hope that I can go to Mandy Moore's mini-concert at Eastwood to promote her latest album, Wild Hope. Baboo!

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