Thursday, February 27, 2014

An Attitude of Gratitude

It's been a while since I posted a gratitude list in here which, I think, may have contributed to my "depression." I have been feeling shitty for a while now and I feel I may have gone back to that dreaded quarter-life crisis stage in life (which I thought I have undergone earlier than most of people my age). I have been advocating this happiness-is-a-decision frame of mind but honestly, I think my happiness is directly proportional to my bank account. I should try harder to be happy for real and not make my happiness dependent on material things. So I'm doing this gratitude list con más frecuencia ☺

The ovaries are normal, y'all! After years of dealing with PCOS, I was told yesterday that the ovaries are now normal. I do not know which actually healed my PCOS- the pills or Fr. Carmona's enzyme. But whatever did it, I'm thankful that I'm finally healed. This calls for a celebration ☺
 I finally enrolled in driving classes. Today will be my fourth and I am actually enjoying it. I'm not too sure though if I can do it without an instructor by my side and without the CAUTION: STUDENT DRIVER signage at the back of the car. I can't drive at 20mph and with the hazard light on forever. But what the hell, I can do this. Aja!
 Trying out new foods. Ha ha! I actually hate it that I am an emotional eater and that food makes me happy and that my happiness is also directly proportional to what I eat, but to be truly I guess I should learn how to stop feeling guilty every time I eat good food.
Project Pie with AD. Cheese is love. True love.
burrito and cheese flautas at Burrito Brothers in Marikina
In relation to trying out new food, I am grateful for a sister who also likes eating (and treating me!) to good food.
 Orders. Small orders pa lang but it's a start, right? Eventually, orders will flood my mail and phone. Soon.
 New series love and a new series character crush ☺ My sister watches Beauty and the Beast (not the Disney movie, okay) while I don't because I thought it was too mushy and I think I've had it with anything paranormal/superhuman-themed. But guess what, I have been sucked into the Beauty and the Beast vortex. I just started last Friday and I am now in the first season's 17th episode. I am such a sucker for secret loves and love triangles.

Anyway, guess who my character crush is. Clue: not Vincent Keller. This is who

I luuuuurve Evan Marks. I have the feels for him. Haha. And you know, I feel for him, I actually cried for him. Not that I cried because I "crush" him, but because I feel his pain- loving Catherine secretly. And as of the most recent episode I've watched, JT now knows that Evan is harboring some kind of romantic feels towards Catherine. I am watching this mostly because of him and I am praying and hoping that he doesn't get killed off or cross off to the dark side. But I fear that his love for Catherine will make him do things, that if he can't be with her, the "beast" can't as well. But I like to believe that he will be more determined to catch the beast because he wants to protect her from him and not because he wants to get him out of the way.

but after seeing this, I have a hunch he will cross to the dark side
This series reminds me so much of Chuck.

So there, things I am grateful for. I really should do this more often. To cap off this post, here's a note to myself:

from Pinterest

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