Friday, December 31, 2010

counting down

Just a few hours before the new year begins. I have a feeling 2011 will be awesome, much more awesome than 2010. Woot.

Alongside the new year will also be new resolutions (that I've yet to make) that would most likely be broken even before the first month of the year ends. One of my staple NY resolutions is to lose weight. Well, I did lose weight towards the end of this year but I quickly gained it back come holidays. Dang. And just like that, I gained the 2 lbs. I lost. Haha. Fretting over 2 measly lbs... Weight loss, we will be back with a bang :) But I kinda expected the return of the comeback of the 2 lbs; I was even expecting more than that with all the mocha fraps I've devoured just this month for that frakkin planner I don't even use. Well, that and December's usually is the time of the year when it is perfectly okay to pig out with all those get-togethers and Christmas parties.
gallivanting around the city with little shaolin
I've had an awesome December with all those get-together with close friends and family. I also had an awesome Christmas which was spent with my family and my two nephews ☺ Though we were missing a family member who, I'm sure, also enjoyed their own celebration over there yonder. I'm loving all my gifts: magic 8 ball from Y, shirts from AD and V, watch from AC and wallet from A. Christmas eve dinner of Christmas ham, spaghetti, hot salad, etc and my daddy's scrumptious anemic dinuguan ♥ I'm requesting for dinuguan again this New Year but I'm not too sure about that. Though inihaw na baboy would be enough to make me one contented girl.

Excited for 2011 but not yet ready because I haven't had my manipedi yet (IKR?) and haven't planned the New Year's Eve dinner menu just yet. Too bad because AD will be with her in-law's for the vísperas of the New Year, which means I am left with ze wet blanket who only wants grapes and this one other food for the occasion. And when I said, "Yun lang?" She answered, "Ayoko naman LUMAMON." Ay, I should've known better than to ask someone who sleeps through Christmas and NY's eve sometimes. Resolution #1: AVOID NEGASTARS. But how do I do that when we sleep in the same room? I hope AD can help me plan tomorrow's NY meal even if she won't be spending it here with us.

New Year resolutions tomorrow ☺

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