Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Waiting for a star to fall

Haven't been able to update for quite awhile. Been "busy" with things.

Watched the Pussycat Dolls concert last Thursday. AD and I went to the venue earlier. We were there around 5:30pm and was surprised that there were many people going in, as early as 5:30. And I thought I was atat.

We ate first. We were supposed to have a pizza slice each. Pero natakaw mata ako and ended up ordering Hungarian Sausage Parmigiana. Turned out, the pizza slice would suffice. But I ate a little of the pasta just so hindi naman sayang. AB arrived around 7pm. Since we thought that we wouldn't find good location if we enter the venue late, we had the pasta to-go. Much to my dismay, we're not allowed to bring in food into the concert. Sadness. May 2 pcs pa naman ng hungarian sausage dun :( Sayang na sayang lang...

The PCD concert started at 9pm. Even if I didn't get to see them up close and they were just about the size of my thumb, I enjoyed the concer verrrry much. I know I don't have to be there in front to be able to enjoy. The only downside to our location was... the people we were with. Ha. My sister and I were actually wondering why there was a totally different crowd of people than the Rihanna-Chris Brown concert. Same price point naman. Anyway, I think the fact that there were many TH people made us enjoy it more.

Now that's one off my list of things to look forward to..


Just when I thought I could squee with Glee...

I found out that it's not out 'til Fall. Bum to the M - ER! Haha. But really, I thought I've found something to fill the void GG and Chuck has left. Enjoyed this one so much. Very High School Musical but [channeling my inner Elle Woods] funner! Love love love. Most especially with cute guys such as this one

Another reason why I wish it's already September.


Finally, finished watching Fated to Love You. And I thought it would take me another bazillion light years to finish watching the series as I did It Started with a Kiss. I was only an episode and a half shy from finishing the series and it took me a week to actually finish watching.

I love love love this series although there were some slow and dragging parts. I loved how the situation turned around for them. Chen Xin-yi started out as this "sticky note girl" aka PNB (patay na bata) aka pushover who does everything everyone tells her to do. She never says NO even if she doesn't really want to do it. She always seeks approval from her family, her co-workers, etc. Then he meets Ji Cun Xi, a successful and rich boy from a rich family. Due to a simple twist of fate, they ended up sleeping with each other ONE night which led to Xin Yi's pregnancy. Basta to cut the story short, they were pushed into this relationship because of the baby. Especially, Cun Xi who is at that time madly in love with his girlfriend Anna Shin. But eventually, Cun Xi realizes he has fallen in love with Xin Yi, with or without the child, and wants her back~ by hook or by crook.

I especially loved the part where someone said, "I'm fated to love you." ** squeeee..... ** Yes, I do get giddy with corny lines like that. And I live for corny lines like that. And since we're in the topic of fate...

I watched Serendipity last night.

I'm not one to believe in the concept of destiny and/or fate but I do enjoy watching shows/movies such as this one. I dunno... maybe even if I'm a skeptic, there's this itty-bitty part of me that wishes these things are true. That way, we don't have to look for "the one." We could all just wish that they'd ring our doorbells and come and find us. Ha!

When I first watched this movie eons ago, I didn't like it- like it. It was a so-so movie, I thought. Some kind of bogus for these things to happen, right? But when I watched it again, I realized I love it because:

1) it is set in New York City, baby!
2) it's set during Christmas, my favorite holiday in the frickin' universe.

At, sige na nga... John Cusack. Juno pointed out to me that I tend to crush on geeky-looking guys. Parang may tama siya dun. Haha. I like Shia La Beouf and John Cusack and they play mostly geeky characters in their movies.

Going back to Serendipity... there was this scene where several years after their fateful meeting, they were going on in with their respective lives but at the same time they were still looking for the "signs." For John Cusack's character, it's the the book. For Kate Beckinsale's character, it's the $5-bill. And the Annie Lennox song "Waiting in Vain" was playing in the background. I mean, the song's just so apt for the scene... I don't wanna wait in vain for your love... Even if they were living their own lives, they still wanted to know what might have been. They needed some kind of closure dun sa part na yun. They were waiting for some kind of closure.

"It's just a few seconds. A fragment, really. But it was like,
in that moment,
we were supposed to be together.
That's why I'm here Eve, that's why
I'm going to let destiny
take me where it wants to.
Because when all of this is over,
at least I'll never have to think
about him again.
Let's just hope he's some bald fascist

who picks his nose and wipes it under the car seat."
- Sara, Serendipity

The question is, should I believe in destiny? In signs? Is there even such a thing? I want to believe it to make things so much easier for me (hehe) but it's hard to believe that there's this one person you're fated to be with. Even if you're with someone, you'll be wondering if he's really the one. Eh paano kung tatlo sila? Nyahaha. As with signs, it's easy to put meaning into things. And most often than not, we put these meanings in our favor. I once asked God for a sign and He gave me one. Actually, it was more of an answer to my question. Although I didn't ask for a specific tangible sign. I didn't know what it was but I knew it right away when I heard it. Baka nga you shouldn't ask for butterflies. Haha.

Kaya I dare you destiny/fate, to prove that you are possible and probable in real life. Not just in the movies ;) Woot.

Life is not merely a series of meaningless accidents or coincidences, but rather it is a tapestry of acts that culminate in an exquisite, sublime plan.

1 comment:

single lady said...

maganda ba yung book na eat, love and pray?

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