Monday, January 28, 2008

A new obsession

I'm missing Gossip Girl. I have lost track of how many times I must've seen each episode in the absence of new ones since season 1 has concluded. And word is that season 2 will be on the fall of 2008 which is more or less 9 months away! Anyway, the good thing is I have the season 2 disc of Felicity which would serve as my diversion from missing GG too much.

Ahhh... Felicity. I loved season 1 and luckily, I was able to secure a copy of the second season. Felicity chopped her locks which was pretty tragic, at least for me. It was such a drastic change, I mean. And so it was also confirmed that Felicity went with Ben on that road trip home rather than with Noel. Stupid girl. If I were her, I'd totally go for Noel who is cute and intelligent. After choosing Ben over Noel, Ben suddenly decides she doesn't really like-like Felicity. And I thought when two people go into a relationship, it must be a pre-requisite that they love (or it would eventually lead to love). Hmm... things must be really different on the other side of the world. It's also obvious that Noel still has feelings for Felicity and Felicity may still have feelings for Noel, too. Gaga girl.

Ergo the question: With whom would you rather be, the one who loves you or the one you love? Ahorita, I'd say with the one who loves me but if I were in an actual situation, I wouldn't know. It is very easy to say that I'd choose someone who loves me. But what if I really love/like the other one? Like in Felicity's case, she liked Ben for years and he even was her reason for going all the way to New York and suddenly Ben comes and supposedly likes her, too? It is so much tempting to go for Ben. So tempting. But when they finally see you, of course you also think that they might really like you and not just because they know you like them and it would be convenient for them. For Felicity, Ben was a like a dream and suddenly her dream is coming true. If I will be in such a predicament, I wish I would choose The Noel over The Ben.

So enough with over-analyzing drama series.

Last night, we had a family dinner with relatives who just came home from their vacation in the States. Those kids... My nephew and my niece didn't really like the idea that they spent the holiday in the States. If it were me, I'd go in a heartbeat!

Asked about how the other cousins were like and my nephew said that they're drawn-back and guarded. Hmm... stiffies? And I thought people in the States know how to have a good time? He even said that this particular cousin was so guarded that he doesn't know what she's thinking that it's scary. And when she was here, I kinda got the same vibe from her. And looking back, that is actually pretty scary.

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