Monday, March 5, 2007



I am in an another emotional rollercoaster!

I friggin don't know what to do anymore. I have this business now, my father wants me to take the CSE so he could get me into the government, my mother is putting up another business for me (daw) and I, myself, have other million things I wanna do.

My head's spinning like crazy! I don't know what to do anymore. Right now, I feel like working somewhere else and not do business anymore. This business is driving me nuts! I swear right now I friggin' more paranoid than ever. I also feel like taking a masteral course but on what... I still have no idea. I also feel like taking my Spanish courses seriously and make a career out of it and I also really really want to get a hand on how it's like to live in Canada.

These matters were put on hold when I was on Christmas break, when I went to the province, attended Juno's birthday. But the reality is that ignoring it won't make it go away. It still is here annoying the hell out of me. I feel like breaking down and crying (which I already did but it didn't do anything).

I just wanna black out.

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